Chapter 15

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I searched my recipe book until I found the perfect one. I went to work mixing the ingredients together and occasionally checking on the kids.

When the cake was finished baking, I decorated it and put it in the fridge. I then got started on dinner. The front door opened and August walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, August." I said as I took out the juice and set the table.

"Jada I'm not in the mood for your mind games right now."

"I was just going to ask you if you were hungry but never mind you can starve for all I care."

"Wait you cooked?"


"You looked sexy in that apron."

I ignored his comment and began fixing plates. I set the plates on the counter as August kissed my cheek. I glared at him before handing him his plate and sending him off.

"Do you hate me?"

I could tell that my question threw her off guard but, I need to know the answer. She put the plates on the table and walked out to get the kids.

I grabbed my plate and went into my room. I turned on the TV and ate my food. I went and put my plate in the sink and Jada told me to go get Aj and Justice. I did as I was told and when I came back the lights were off and candles were lit.

"Happy Birthdag to you, Happy Birtday, happy birthday dear August happy birthday to you." They sang, I blew out the candle and kissed the kids. Jada put some frosting on my cheek and I frowned at her.

She smiled and grabbed a knife and started cutting the cake. I sat down with the kids on my lap. Jada gave me the first piece and Aj took a handful and put it near his mouth.

"You never answered my question." I said after Jada closed the door to Aj's room.

"What question?" She asked walking towards her room.

"Do you hate me?"

She closed and locked her bedroom door and I sighed heavily as I pressed my back against the door. After a while of standing there I went downstairs to my room.

I changed my clothes and got in my bed. She was definitely playing with my head but, I can't blame her after all that I've put her through.

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