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Name: Pokko
Birthday: Born May 15th
Height: smol
Skin color: Tan
Nationality: I speak different languages other than English (et. , but
Born/Lives currently: I was born in America and I still live here ^.^)

Lucky number(s): 5, 15, and 13
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Siblings: I have two sisters, and one actually has Wattpad! Theres bluebunny2000 and my older sister dosent know what Wattpad is lol.

Hair color: Born a blondie but colored my hair pink C:
Eye color: greeny blue
Body type: skinny asf o-o
Types of clothes i wear/hair style: skinny jeans, a pink jacket, and shirt depends on how i feel that morning, and hair i usually have it down

So yeah! If there is any more information you would like to know list it down below!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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