Chapter 11

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The next three days I improved slowly, though the morning after the initial poisoning I was very weak, but I managed to keep down the dry toast and weak tea I'd been given. On the fourth day I was still feeling weak, but I managed to make my way to the ocean pool, my guard, albeit reluctantly, helping me walk from my room to the lift, then from the lift to the normal pool, as much as I wanted to go to the ocean pool, I forced myself not to. I was weaker than I had been the last time I hadn't been swimming for a few days, but I managed to stop myself changing, through an excessive amount of willpower. I submerged myself, the water feeling wonderful around me, and swam, staying at the surface as I propelled myself along. After swimming for a while, thankfully alone, I changed into my clothes and headed back to my room, able to make the journey without assistance. I know they were probably wondering why I hadn't transformed, especially after last time, but I still couldn't, not in front of all the cameras. Returning to my room, I found a dinner of salad and fruit waiting for me. I ate it down slowly, the food nourishing, then lay down, but I felt distinctly stronger. All four doctors had visited me over the last few days, keeping a close eye on me, though I had had no energy to mock or jive. So now I had been here several days, sick most of them, but today I felt stronger, and the Director was wanting to see me. I now dreaded meeting him, but I had to see the person who had turned me into an orphan. He was having two guards escort me to a meeting room, along with the four doctors that had been watching over me. I forced down breakfast the following morning, went for a swim, staying human. I missed transforming, but I still refused to do it. I let my gills form again, and swam slowly. I went back to my room after a long swim, and waited for lunch. Once that was served and eaten, the plate was taken away. Now all I could do was wait, my stomach feeling as though I'd swallowed a whole swarm of butterflies. After about half an hour, the door was opened and a guard entered.

"Come now." He said. I stood up and headed out, a guard standing by the door and waiting for us. As I stepped into the corridor, one guard moved down the corridor, the second moving behind me. We got to the lift and the guard swiped us in, but I couldn't see what floor was entered. I stood still as the lift moved, my stomach fluttering anxiously. I felt the lift stop and the doors open, but before I could step out, my arm was grasped by a guard. I looked up at him in confusion.

"As ordered." He said. I was guided out, blinking in the bright sunlight streaming through some windows, and we walked down the corridor. I wanted to stand in the sunshine, but the pressure on my arm prevented it. I was led to a door, and the guard opened it. I saw a large conference table in the room, Brad, Shields, Tucker and Warden already waiting. The guard released me and stood by the door, and Warden led me along the table to the seat at the back, making it so that Tucker and Brad were on one side of me, and Shields and Warden on the other, blocking both avenues of escape.

"The Director will be here soon." Warden said, sitting down. I looked away from them, looking at the window. I longed to be in direct sunlight, and moved to step in the direction of the window, but Shields grabbed my wrist.

"Stay there. You can get some sun later." He said. At that point the door opened, and I looked around as a man entered. His appearance was normal, approximately six foot in height, but he had an air of authority, a foreboding presence, and yet he was familiar.

"Hello, Cassandra. It is wonderful to meet you at last." He said, sitting down. I wanted to keep standing, but a slight tug on my wrist by Shields made me sit down quickly.

"I wish I could return the gesture, but I don't like to be false, or dishonest." I said. Jones' eyes widened slightly, but he smiled at my words.

"Honourable traits. Your parents taught you well." He said. Tears sprang to my eyes.

"You have no right to talk about my parents like that, you murderer!" Icried out, anger filling me. The smile on Jones' face vanished, replaced with a scowl.

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