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The straps holding Cyber Fever_ down were undone, allowing him free movement.

A female voice boomed from a speaker.

"Cyber Fever_ is secure.
His condition is great, and only a few possible errors remain.
Cyber Fever_, please report to the repair bay for further examination."

The raven haired Reploid sighed, exiting the testing chambers.

He lazily made his way to the Repair Bay, as Ciel had instructed.

He stopped, looking at a poster on the steel wall to the left of him.

It was a poster in memory of the legendary Reploid Zero.

Zero stood in the middle, with Ciel and Dr. Miles on each side.
The rest if the resistance, along with Harpuia, Fefnir, and Leviathon, stood behind them.

In memory of Zero, a true Megaman.

Cyber warped to a nearby bathroom, taking a look at himself in a mirror.

His raven hair flowed, reaching his waist.

His blue eyes began glowing, before changing to green, then orange, then back to blue.

He wore a skintight white jumpsuit, which zipped in the back.

Deep in thought, he hadn't even realized his H.U.D. had received a call.

"Hey! You okay Cyber?" A female voice rang from the other side.

"Oh. I am deeply sorry Doctor Ciel. I had lost myself in my thoughts. I will reach the Repair Bay shortly."

Cyber Fever_ closed the link, and warped to the Repair Bay.

Dr. Miles looked down at a blue strip of paper, his blue eyes studying the blueprint.
He ran a hand through his black hair, before looking at Cyber Fever_.

"Ciel, would you mind?"

Ciel nodded her head, and entered a code into a security system.


The wall opened, revealing a hidden room.

A set of red and white cybernetic armor rested in a glass case.

The helmet contained a dark blue gem in shaped like an upside down triangle, that was forged into the forehead.

Two horns rested on the top of the helmet, resembling cat ears that had been folded back.

On the sides, where a humans ears would be, were two more horn-like structures, resembling elf ears.

The helmet was open in the back, for long hair.

A retractable blue visor covered where the eyes would be, while a retractable red face mask covered the rest of the face.

The torso armor was fragmented, with another dark blue gem resting in the center of the breast plate.

The sides of the armor were interlinked and tightly woven links, forming a looser armor, similar to fabrics.

The arms were fairly simple, with fragments of more red armor covering them, until they reached the forearms, which were solid armor.

Support plates covered the elbows and shoulders, while fimgerless white gloves, also armored, would protect the wrists downward.

The upper legs were also fragmented, giving the user free movement, while the lower legs were metal-like combat boots, which latched in the front, and had a retractable wheel on each foot, and spikes on the bottom for gripping, similar to a pair of cleats.

Hanging on a nearby wall was a long rifle, with a silencer on the barrel, a scope, and multiple switches.

Ciel looked to Cyber, smiling.

"This armor was based on that of Zero. To tell you the were you. I'm sorry to ask something of you so soon after your awakening, but we have reason to believe leftover troops of Dr. Weil are plotting.
Since we made you to double as a NetNavi, you could hack the Neo Arcadian servers. This is your choice, so please take time to consider. We need your help."

A siren rang throughout the night.

"We have a Code Red!
I repeat, Code Red!
Neo Arcadian's are attacking the base!
This is not a drill! Report to battle stations!"

Ciel looked to Cyber Fever_, terrified.

"Please Cyber, please help us!"

The NetNavi-Reploid hybrid nodded, before turning back to the armor, and approaching the glass case.

Megaman: Network RevolutionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz