Chapter 2

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"Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!"" The boy shouted as we ran through the congested area. I looked back to see the man chasing after us, although he was not even close to being able to catch us.

The boy led me out of the place, which looked like a village from where we were now. Soon we ran deep into a forest, running to an area with a sparkling large lake with a wooden bridge built in the middle of it, a wooden bench next to the water's edge,  and a large oak tree.

The teenage boy sat down on the bench, trying to catch his breath. I stood a couple feet from the bench, doing the same. Once we caught our breaths, the boy stood up.

"Sorry 'bout that cranky man. He doesn't really like kids and teens. But at least most of the other people in Jamanakai Village are kind." I nodded, staying silent.

"Oh man, where are my manners!" The boy started hitting his head, grunting some random word each time. The boy walked over to me and held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Jackson. Jackson Black."

I grabbed his hand and shook it. "I'm Zane."
"Do you have parents?"

Hold up, did I have a family? My memories seemed to show nothing. Well.... except what happened today. But there was nothing about who was my family or where I came from. Strange...

"No. I have no memory of my family or my home. Actually... no memories except what happened today"

"Oh... sorry 'bout asking then." Jackson stared at the dirt while he started to kick it a little. "It's ok."
We stood in silence, the only sound was the wind blowing the leaves of the forest trees.

"Oh thank you for saving me from that man." Jackson looked up and smiled a large grin. "No problem." He started to chuckle to himself.

"Orphans gotta help each other ya know." He chuckled, sitting back on the bench. "You have no parents too?" I asked, getting a confident nod from Jackson. "Yep! My mum died at child birth and my dad couldn't take of me cause he was trying to hide from authorities somewhere else in the world."

I decided to sit next to him on the bench while he spoke of his parents. "So who took care of you when you were born?" He was kicking the ground at this moment. He bent down and picked up a rock to start handling with it while he talked.
"I was found in the woods one night by a woman named Miranda Snow, or Ms. Snow. She runs the orphanage that I have been stuck in for 15 years!" He started to raise his voice at the end, throwing the rock into the lake.

"JACKSON BLACK!! IS THAT YOU?!" Jackson face went nearly white, his eyes now wide. "Crap...." He mumbled under his breath. He stood up and was ready to run until a woman appeared.

She wore a white button up shirt and a black skirt. Her white hair, that was put up in a perfect bun, had gray streaks starting from her hairline to the beginning of the bun. Her skin was pale but wrinkles were visible. A scowl was on her face while she got into the area.

"There you are! Where have you been? I was worried sick!" She walked over to Jackson and started pulling his ear. "Ow ow ow watch it. I like my ears you know!" He snapped. The woman looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Jackson, who's your new friend?"
"Oh that's Zane and he's an orphan t....." Jackson quickly covered his own mouth, but I knew he knew it was too late. "Ah, another orphan. Hope your not like this little brat here Zack."

"Um it's Zane." I corrected as she grabbed my wrist, starting to lead Jackson and I. "Great... Sorry 'bout getting you into this mess." He whispered to me.

"Jackson, what can be so bad?"


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