let me go!

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It was near midnight and we were at what it looked like a abandoned building. The shook me to wake me up, couldn't they find a better way to wake me up!?!? I was depressed before and even more now because my mom just gave me to these people and she did it was for school but it doesn't look like something for school.

A guy in a white coat pushed me out the van and I tripped and fell, they didn't help me up. I got up by myself and said "where are we...this doesn't look like something for school." They all looked at me with a smirk and one if them said "oh we lied, this has nothing to do with school. We are doing experiment's and you had what we needed." A guy named Mr. Scott took my arm and I couldnt believe it so I screamed "let go of me!" Mr. Scott put a rag over my mouth and I blacked out.

I woke up in what looked liked a clear glass box, it was big and it was empty. I had weird clothes on, they we're white and looked like hospital clothes. There were other clear glass boxes with other kids and adults in them. There was blue clear tubes and almost everything around us was a aqua blue color and the kids and adults were screaming in pain. I screamed "let me out, please! Let me go!" While i banged in the box it was glass but didnt break. I started to cry and sat in the corner of the clear glass box. I couldn't break the glass box I needed my music badly because it kept me calm and happy but everything I heard was screams from the other glass boxes. I covered my ears and started humming with tears going down my eyes. I fell asleep.

To be continued

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