Some Facts...

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I really wouldn't think you'd want to come near me irl... Specially if you knew some of these...

1. I am very violent.  
I will just hit or kick you for no reason, just cos I feel like it, playfully, or just if I'm mad with you. I can have a temper and that makes it worse. And I do not hit lightly.

2. I laugh at gore.
Not just gore, violence, people getting hurt, them suffering, the thought of them getting hurt, etc. For instance:

BFF: You're crazy, and sick sometimes...
Me: no I'm not! *sticks out tongue and punches her*
BFF: Hey! And yes you are. If I told you to think of... Stabbing a screaming baby! You'd laugh!!!
Me: *dies laughing and rolls onto the floor off couch*
BFF: *facepalm*

4. I often say sorry when I don't really mean it.
Like, literally all the time.... I want to feel sorry, but I end up just thinking, 'we'll fuck you.' Especially when it's something I've done and I'm
Apologising for...

5. The real reason why I'm not allowed near knives.
Of course I still go near them, but I'm not supposed to because I will find you, and I will hurt you. Even someone close to me. I've even grabbed a kitchen knife and tried to assault my brother with it... My mum had to hold me back and snatch back the knife...

6. I talk to animals.
Not just animals, plants, toys, etc. I talk to them like real people. Don't like it, and I don't like you.

7. I will change the subject to random things.
Say we're talking about hippos... And then I somehow think of curtains... Never mind.

8. I do not get on well with sensitive people.
I joke too much... About them, about anything... And then they get upset...

9. I have too much of a sense of humour. People get annoyed of it.. A lot...

10. I hate normal things.
Like happy stuff, bright stuff, flowers, etc.

11. I like to eat blood, believe it or not.
I don't know why, but I just do.

12. I'm 'headshy' I do not like people touching my face... For some reason, it's worse when it's people who are close or related to me...

13. I like to inflict pain. But only on people I hate...

14. When you get on my bad side, I'm dangerous... It's a struggle not to throttle you or stab you with something.

15. I laugh hysterically when people are angry.
I dunno if it's just nervousness or what...

16. My eyes are almost pitch black.
It makes me look possessed or insane. Which I maybe am...

17. I'm very dirty minded.
More irl than online, but as much as I am, I still have a little phobia of having sex... Like quite terrified... Though I will talk about it, crack jokes, and find it funny...

18. I hiss.
Yes... Whenever someone touches me, comes near me, etc when I don't want them to, I become a snake. (Not literally) :)
I'm sure that's very normal.

That's not all... So yeah...

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