2. Waking Up

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I feel a little thump on my back and hear a "pop." I must have landed, but where? The light brightens and I curl up tighter. I'm lying in a small crater about the size of the gem transporter I had been sent in.

Yellow Diamond had said something about "traitors." Are those the Crystal Gems daddy had told me about on his home planet? And where is daddy?

'Crunch, crunch, crunch.' Footsteps. 4 pairs of them. I also hear slight whispery voices.

"Who is this girl?" an elegant voice questions.

"She was brought here by a gem transporter, she might be a gem." a low female voice replies.

Small, silky hands lift me up. I am placed in slightly bigger hands with gems in the middle. Then I feel movement. Whoever these guys are, they are taking me to their home. The sound of sand tells me that we are not on the Homeworld ship. Duh, stupid me.

What was that planet daddy told me he was from? I think it started with an "E."

"Earth...." I mumble.

I know they are staring at me. A random girl they find on the sand mumbles the name of the planet they life on, of course they'd stare.

I hear a creak noise and the light dims. We must have went inside. I am placed on smooth fabric, most likely a bed or a couch.

My body demands to uncurl, my eyes cry out in curiosity, but my mind says to stay put. Who knows what is in the outside world. I listen for sounds, indications of life. None. So I let my eyes flutter open.

The room I am in is astounding. Homeworld bed chambers are nothing like this, on Earth! It is a rectangular room, a stripe of windows on 3 of the walls, only broken by a thin screen door on the west wall. By the north wall is a TV and a bookshelf with movies, books, and knick-knacks. By the south wall is a bed, which is what I am sitting on. In the exact middle of the room is a rug that looks like a Rose Quartz gem. On the east wall is a door (hopefully) leading to the rest of the house.

I get up off of the bed and look at the books on the shelf. "Crystal Gems: Heroes or Villains?" "Magic Gems or Aliens?"

"Ugh," I groan, "do they have any good books?"

A voice behind me makes me jump. "Well, that depends on what you like. I don't really read much, but the other's kinda do."

I whip around to see a lavender skinned girl with a amethyst gem between her breasts. She had a black tank top, purple pants with black stars on the knees, and small, white boots. She was smaller than most Quartz gem warriors.

"My name is Amethyst," she says, "What's your name, kid?"

"Um, I'm Julissia, Julie for short."

"What's your story?"

Her question caught me by surprise. "My story?"

"Yeah, tell me why you've got this." she pointed towards my gem, which is also on my chest. "I'm guessing not the same reason as me."

"Most likely not." I tell her. 

"My dad was on a small, side-tracked science expedition. He never told me what it was about. He was in the woods when he heard fighting. Being the kind person he was, he wanted to resolve the fight. He followed the voices until he got to a clearing. In the middle were two greenish girls and what looked like a ship. The girls were arguing, saying stuff like "It was your fault!" "No it was your's, you clod!"

"Daddy had no idea what a clod was, but he decided to try to help the girls. "Excuse me," he had started. The girls turned to look at him, a look of shock on their faces. "I think I may be able to fix your ship."

"The taller of the green girls looked at him and scoffed. "I highly doubt it. Gem technology is way to complicated for humans to figure out. But you can try if you like. I don't think you would be able to break it more than this clod did." She motioned towards the shorter one."

"I did not break it....." The girls continued arguing while dad had started to work on the ship. He had seen some debris of this stuff in his studies. He knew what to do. "

"The sound of the ship's engine roaring back to like startled the two girls. "How in the name of Diamonds did you do that?" asked the shorter one."

"Well, I have been studying space for the past decade. I have always found some debris of this glorious technological stuff. I figured out the wiring and how it all works." Dad looked impressed with himself. "I bet with all of the debris I have collected, I could build one of these ships myself!"

"Tall-and-Green looked at Short-and-Green. They must have been thinking the same thing because they both nodded. Then, Shortie's fingers came off of her hand and made a small diamond shape in from of her. Dad looked amazed. "

"Shortie pressed a button thing and a yellow girl popped up on the screen the fingers made. "Hello, Yellow Diamond. Peridots reporting."

"Which Peridots?" Yellow Diamond asked."

"Peridot, era 1, number 284937 and Peridot, era 1, number 203886." the short one said. "We have a human creature here. We crashed on earth for our report on the cluster. He had repaired our ship. He also said that he has been studying the debris of our broken ships." She looked around. "He knows too much, Yellow Diamond, we have to take him out."

"No, don't take him out, he could be useful. Bring him back to homeworld." Yellow Diamond said.

"Shortie's fingers returned to her hand and she turned back to Daddy. "Ok, sir, you are going to come with us. Please board our ship, and watch your head, you seem to be taller than us."

"So the Peridots took Daddy to the place they called Homeworld. He was given a brand new room, just built, and he was showed how to work the buttons.

"Ok," said a white girl with very long hair, "this button is for an alarm in the morning. This one sends a request for food. This one," she looked up at Dad, her cheeks flushed. She immediately faced back down again and twiddled with her hair. "This button is to call me if you need me."

"Alright, I think I got it." Dad said. The two stood up. The girl's hair almost touched the floor. "Before you go, what's your name?"

"The girl looked at dad and said, "My name is Opal, era 2, number 294892. But you can call me Opal."

"My name is Declan Jamison." Dad told Opal."

"Opal and my dad hung out for a few weeks. Opal said that she was surprised Yellow Diamond let a human into Homeworld. After dad was there for 1 month, they started dating. Several nights later, Opal came into dad's room in tears. Dad asked her what was wrong and she responded with, "I'm pregnant."

"Dad was shocked, but happy. He smiled at Opal. 

"Opal seemed sad. "Declan, gems aren't like humans. If we have children, we have to give up our physical form for the baby to live. After she is born, you won't see me again."

"Dad finally realized what Opal had said. After a few months, it was obvious that Opal was expecting, so she hid in dad's room until the baby was born. It was a girl with long white hair and an Opal gem on her chest. She looked up at dad and smiled. That girl was me. "

"I was able to go unnoticed in dads room until somehow one of the gems found out and told Yellow Diamond. She burst into dads room with 2 Yellow Pearls and blasted him and I with weird blaster things. Dad got hit in the heart. I was hit in the head. Then when I woke up , I was here."

Amethyst pulls a cookie out of her shirt and begins to eat it. "Is that it?" she asks. I nod my head. She stands up, shoves the cookie in her mouth, and leads me to the door. 

Thank you guys so much for all the support! I love looking at my notifications and see that you have added my books to your library! I am working really hard to update them and upload more and more chapters! I love all you guys!


Hollie LeeAnn Wagner

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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