*Chapter 8: #Sleepover

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"I don't know what to tell his mother." Amethyst frowns. "Steven healed him but he's still hurt and he refuses to leave until she wakes up. what if she doesn't wake up?"

"i... I don't know." Pearl frowns and looks at Garnet. "what do we do if Chez doesn't wake up."

"nothing." Garnet crosses her arms. "only a few scenarios involve her not waking up, and if that happens then nothing we do could help. We just have to wait and see."

"but he needs to rest too." Amethyst says shooting a worried glance at Sour Cream. "Vidalia would have my head if she found out he got hurt doing gem stuff. And he's starting to freak me out... he's just been sitting there watching her quietly for the last 5 hours. I don't think he's even blinked."

"i... apologize." Peridot crosses her arms into a hug and frowns as she had to prepare mentally to force herself to apologize. "i... I didn't think we'd run into Korn and Rube... I just wanted to impress Chez with my gem knowledge."

"it isn't your fault Peridot. I don't think even Garnet could have foreseen this." Pearl pats Peridot's shoulder. "Steven how is everything over there?"

Steven holds the broken Rainbow Gem in Peridot's bubble. "I still haven't brought myself to try to fix it yet..." he mumbles with a tear in his eye. "sometimes my healing powers don't work and I don't want to break it more. Right now I'm sad and most of my powers only work when I'm happy."

"alright Steven." Pearl looks at Sour cream again. "I've never witnessed such a strong bond in humans like this..." she looks at Garnet. "do you think this is how it was for rose?"

"she deeply cared for Greg. No doubt it was as intense for them as it is for these two." Garnet smiles a bit. "it's a strong love just like ruby and sapphire."

"Garnet." Steven frowns hugging the bubble again. "I'm sad."

"it's ok to be sad Steven." Garnet nods. "but truthfully Chez is ok she's just sleeping."

"sleeping?" Steven smiles really big. "I FIGURED IT OUT!" he hurries over to Sour cream with a big smile on his face. "hey hey I figured it out!"

"hm?" Sour cream looks up at Steven. "figured what out?"

"you have to kiss her!" Steven nods. "that's how it works in books."

"Steven this isn't some fairytail." Sour cream protests with a sigh. "if it were that simple I'd have done it already."

"but it has to work!" Steven insists. "you'll see she'll wake up!"

"if he won't do it I will." Peridot smirks with her arms crossed. she felt like it was her fault Chez got hurt and if something as simple as a kiss would right that wrong she'd fix it.

"that won't work Peridot." Steven frowns. "it has to be a love kiss."

"Steven... I don't think kissing her is going to wake her up." Sour Cream frowns and leans against the wall. "if Garnet wasn't insisting that she's still alive I'd almost think she was dead. she hasn't moved at all or opened her eyes, and you can't even see when she breathes."

"you won't know if you don't try!" Steven protests.

Sour cream puts his hands in his pockets. "if I do and nothing happens will you stop bothering me about it?"

"yes." Steven says with his determined look.

"alright." He turns the other way for a moment. "give me time to mentally prepare..." 'this will be the first kiss between us and she isn't even awake.'

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