Chapter Four

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Trey p.o.v.

That text was really getting to me  and she aint live that far from me.

I walked up to the house and knocked on the door.

All i heard was screaming and cryin and her sayin stop. Men with all the shit goin on in my life im just bring more shit in.

The door was unlocked so i rushed in. The screamin coming from the basement and the crying from the hall closet.

I opened the closet door seen reba 4 year old brother told him to stay quite

I ran downstairs and reba step dad was beating on her and tryna rape her.

Get tf off her. I said punching him in the jaw. He fell back off one hit must of been drunker then last time i saw him.

Reba go get yu and yo bother shit so we can go. I said not taking my eyes off him.

Yu know ima get her back she go be back right here.

Nahh not this time ima make sure that. When i said that he threw a right hook my way dodged that and we got to fighting. He got a few good hits in like two or three buh i didnt have time to waste with all the anger i been holding in i let out on him and knocked his ass out.

I went up stairs and reba was coming out her room with two suitcases.

Thats everything yall need. I asked helping her brother put his shoes on.

Tasha p.o.v

Trey been gone for a couple hours now. I was talking to rose before jaylin came in.

Right this aint like him maybe yu should call.

I was bout to call when i heard the door open.

Trey how yu just go rush out the house and not tell me....  Wha happen to yo lip.

Nothing. He said looking away.

Bullshit who tf was yu fighting.

Rose baby im good i promise yu. Trey said taking rose hands and putting then to her side.

This lil boy was just walkin in the house.

Umm excuse me little boy are you lost. I spoke up.

Nahh he not lost. Trey said taking the lil boy hand and the suitcase behind him and some girl was behind him.

Reba come on. He walked away.

Rose still aint move out that spot. 

Ayee sunny bright you good. I asked.

Hell nahh did yu see his face then go say he good tf he thought i was born yesterday.

Rose he good. I said sittin back down.

I shot a text to rose since jaylin was here and i couldnt say what i wanted to.
Text convo!
Yo you good. ~tasha

Yeaa why wouldnt i be buh he lyin did yu see how fucked up he was and who was that girl. ~rose bud

You jealous. ~tasha

Of what exactly? ~rose bud

Never mind let me find out you keepin shii from me. ~tasha.

I put the phone down as trey came back down stairs.

Tash can i borrow rose for a min. -Trey

Why yu askin me.

You right. He said taking rose right from jaylin.

Yo wassup with you. ~Jaylin.

He wasnt payin jaylin no attention and ignored tf outta him.

Wassup with yo brother?

Wym this is just how he act.

He need to chill all that out like fr

You cant change how a person acts he been like this since we was little. I said goin to lay in my momma bed.

Umm why are you in here.- Tasha

Oh trey told me i can use this room. -Reba

No you may not use this room you can use the guest room.

Sorry i prefer this room and trey said i can use it and im his guest not yours so sorry buh hey you should really do something about them clothes in the closet soon before i get to them and they be in the trash or i have an idea you can get your clothes and you use the guest room.


Ion know who the fuck you think you are to my brother but i assure you that i will personal fuck you up and put you the hell out myself dont ever in yo life come at my the way you just did cause bitch i didnt send for you dont think just cause trey brought you here that you can do whatever the fuck you want cause i wont let it slide.

She went to the guest room cryin and like ten minutes later trey came at me side ways.

Yo t what you say to reba. Trey

Nothing out the way she came at me so i set her straight but me personally i dont like her.

That dont give you the right to put her down and make her cry you dont know what she going through i brought her here as a guest she will be stayin with use until she or i find something so treat her like one dont try that shii with me t you might not like the outcome. He said and walked away.
Rose p.o.v

Jaylin you seen tasha. I said comin down stairs to a half sleep jaylin.

Nah last time i said something to her she went upstairs.

I went back upstairs and checked her room auntie room the guest room the bathroom then trey room buh she wasnt there.

Treyyy. I said walkin back to the guest room.

Wassup wife. He said sittin up.

How you call me yo wife buh layed up with another girl.

And you sleep with the nigga down stairs buh we both have our affairs. He said smirking.

Funny buh have you seen t i cant find her.

She was in ma room last i talked to her.

So she not in this house. I said dailing her number.

Wait wym you checked her room.

I checked this whole house. I said walking away.

I went to the basement and checked the attic one more time.

Maybe she went to the store. Jay said pullin me to him.

So she can still answer her phone ima give it an hour.

Her phone right here tho and its on silent.

Why did you tell me that.

I just noticed it myself my bad.

Nahh hell nahh. I got up and went back upstairs.

Treyy tash not here and she left her phone you need to go look for her.

Alr lemme grab a shirt.

Trey she grown im sure she can handle herself dont leave me alone. Reba said crawling on the bed.

You dont know my sister just chill till i get back. Trey said putting his shoes on.

I really dont want you to go sure i cant change yo mind. She wrapped her arms around him and looked me up and down.

Reba dont make me change my mind about you living here for a while i do have another place you can stay at.  His said tossing her off him took my hand and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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