f r e e d o m

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Rapunzel knew what she needed her whole life. Freedom. Perhaps it had taken her 17 years to act upon it, but now she was and that was what mattered.

Rapunzel hears a voice from the window, a voice, calling her to her future. With eyes closed, she knows what it is and she smiles. Her prince has come, at last; now she will be happy, now she will be free.

The half-door, what Rapunzel has always known as a window, changes back to a door, as the strong ivy falls hundreds of feet to the bottom of the tower.

Rapunzel's toes curl around the edge of the tower. As she leans slowly over the edge of the abyss, her eyes open, and in the distance she sees him. Her prince. Dreamily, in her last moments, Rapunzel smiles, and muses, 'I knew he would come to me once I went to him.'

And she falls

three hundred feet

blinded by briars.

And with this, she both gained and lost her freedom; with this, she both found and lost her prince.

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