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It was late as I continued to stand behind the counter, logging  the books returned into the computer system and organizing the books into separate stacks based of their genre, when he entered the library ever so quietly.
His hair and dark jacket was drenched in rain, something about him was different than before. I couldn't help but take in his appearance as I always did and admire his beauty from afar. Even when he looked exhausted and his features seemed drained, it looked as if his life was being sucked right out of him.
                          My eyes watched him sneak his way towards the last aisle of the silent room, he was in a hurry from the strides he took. Normally, the library wasn't this quiet and even at this hour people were still boisterous.

When he disappeared behind the shelves I focused my attention back to my job, trying to distract myself by examining the covers of the book with curiosity, hoping to ease my mind from the thought of him being in the same room as me.
I hadn't seen him all week which was strange because he usually came at the latest hours of the night to read his favorite books. We didn't have any classes together and nor were we friends but somehow I managed to catch his eye, my peers at school didn't understand why he talked to me let alone gave me a second glance. I was grateful for his attention considering I didn't get it from anyone else.
                                              Although I wasn't the prettiest or smartest girl in school he continued to acknowledge me and speak to me as if I were. If he only gave me attention because he felt bad for me, it didn't matter to me because recieving anything from him was enough.
        The corners of my lips slowly rose as I continued to think of him while I began stacking the books onto the sleeves of the cart. I labeled the first books in the individual stacks with a sticky note labeled with the genre. I was fairly new to being an assistant so I was still learning my  responsibilities.

                       Once I felt satisfied with my work I smiled happily as I wrote down the genres that the books needed to go to and labeled it checklist. After that I slide my pen back into my bun and grabbed the piece of paper, then began dragging the cart towards the south north corner of the library.
The first genre of books were fiction and there weren't many books returned so stacking them didn't take so long. After I doodled a little heart beside the word fiction on my paper, I slowly guided the cart towards the the back of the room where I last saw him go.

I slid my a strand of my hair behind my ear and pressed my lips together as I gulped in my attempt to gain whatever confidence I could just in case I crossed his path.
My footsteps paused hastily at the loud growl of my stomach, reminding me that I hadn't eaten since lunch. I stopped the cart to examine my watch and I was surprised to see how much time had passed by.

My heels clicked against the marble flooring hastily, as my stomach continued to growl. I need to get out of here! I strolled around the library, placing the books back on their shelves

"What am I going to do with you?" His girlfriend sighed, I could see the hopelessness for him in her eyes. The way he head his head low was pitiful, I couldn't tell if he felt defeated or ashamed for whatever he did to make her so angry.
I was never one to eavesdrop but when it's the hottest couple in school who cares. I watched the couple stand in silence, the tension between the two was odd.

Erin gave Taehyung a eerie stare, her lips pressed together naturally. When he didn't respond to her or even look up she smiled, it was a pissed off kind of smile that tried and was unable to hide.
Erin grabbed a book off the shelf that sat over his shoulder, my eyes widened at the clear view of them. She opened the book with interest, she looked at him to see if she captured his attention. As he looked up, Erin pealed the page out of its binding. Taehyung just stared at her, I chocked on her actions. "What are you doing?!" I didn't care that know I was caught. Erin's eyes flickered to my face, she crumbled the ripped page in her hand.

Taehyung stood beside my face that peaked out from the other side of the bookcase, he didn't bother to move. He was frozen, I looked at him and all I could see was the side of him.
Erin was about to throw the crumbled paper at me so I flinched, but she tossed the paper up and by the time I opened my eyes she put the book back on its shelf. I rubbed my face, trying to ignore the pain of having a book slammed into my face.

I bite my lip to keep from wailing out in pain as I covered my face, it hurt so bad. I followed Erin to my desk, which stood halfway between the main entrance and the exit.
She turned around after four or so times of me demanding that she do so, "What?" She crossed her arms and gave me a sour look, I gulped. She tilted her head, not seeing me as a threat. She began to laugh, "Aren't you going to say something?"

I also crossed my arms, "You're a... a eh --" she took a few steps closer to me, "I'm a what?" She teased, knowing that I was incapable of standing up to her. Her height wasn't the only intimidating quality about her, she also wore heavily dark makeup that made her look like her eyes would suck your soul. Erin was very pretty and obvious even under the layers of her vampire looking makeup but her personality somewhat killed it.
I took a deep breathe, "You're a bitch." Her reaction was unexpected, she smiled at me as if I just complimented her. "I already know that." My eyes widened, what?
She didn't walk away, her eyes were locked on me. My eyes shifted side to side, not understanding what I was suppose to do after calling someone a bitch. It was awkward and I was becoming uncomfortable by her stares. I did what I expected that she wanted and continued, "I know that you're upset --"

"Pissed." She corrected.

I gulped, there was no way I could continue after she just not only took my insult so lightly but corrected me. Erin eyed her expensive shoes, finding the light shinning on the toe of her heel more interesting than my nervous chatter.
"I know that you're pissed off that your boyfriend reads books and probably does his own homework, but that doesn't give you the right to rip pages from library books." She was ridiculous, Erin was now standing inches from me. I could smell the sweet scent of her perfume, my eyes caught the flaws in the eyeliner that she applied this morning.

  She smiled, "Why don't you keep your nose behind the books you read and stay out of everyone's business, nosy." With that she spun around and walked away after strands of her dark hair slapped me.

                          To afraid to say it to her face, "Thanks for the advice." I sighed, embarrassed by those staring at me. I quickly left with eyes following me, Taehyung was still standing like a statue.
              The moonlight shinned through the dark rain splattered window and onto him, as I approached him he didn't look up. "You should go home." He brushed past me, with his head low.

I felt like an idiot for helping him, he walked away and didn't even thank me for saving his ass. I didn't watch him walk away, instead I went to the window and stared at the dark sky. At night I felt everything and I hated it, the night sky tempted me to think about all the things I've ever said and the lives I've ruined because of those words.
The pain I felt was unbearable and as time goes on I realize how lonely I am. My teary eyes focusing up at the sky, as I thought

God, I wish I never spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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