chapter 1. introduction

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Hi,my name is  Olivia some call me olive for short not only because of my name but because of the color of my eyes I go to a school named cloud high  though there's very rarely an extremely cloudy sky here. I live  with my dad since my mom...well she...let's not talk about that now. Well anyway   I "stand out"  I look at the clock on the wall (at school BTW) just waiting for the bell to ring so I can be set free of this hell hole and finally go home "Almost almost" I whisper as the teacher rambles on about science I look out the window and to my surprise I see someone near the forest near our school before I can make out anything else about them A sharp pain goes up the back of my leg I hear girls snickering behind me But I just sigh and ignore it until I feel someone pulling my hair it doesn't hurt because I'm not tender-headed unlike some people After a minute It stops and I resume looking at the clock on the wall cmon..cmon..*ring* flipping finally I get up as quick as I can and walk to the bathroom though I don't need to use the bathroom or to check my makeup if I ever owned any but Just to simply wash my hands since its free period I normally walk around the school not much I could do anyway if I had friends....then it would be different but I don't...I'm just me no body else My thought is interrupted by two girls or what I call bullies walking into the bathroom also known as Shay and Maru the girls everyone wants to be friends with I wonder why Someone would even wanna look at their makeup disaster zone faces but normally they use mean words or pull my hair something simple but today they had something different in mind Shay grabs me and throws me into the wall while Maru bashes my head into the wall over and over again until my forehead and nose are bleeding  "I hate you" Shay says while leaving me there to bleed to death but right before they leave the bathroom I get a feeling like no other not nausea not pain but a feeling to kill or to hunt It fills me with hate and anger something I have never felt before right as I hear the door shut I punch the stall door expecting to hurt myself and do no damage to the door whatsoever but instead The door breaks into pieces and then I black out

forgotten~ Jeff x reader fanfic (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now