Why is Tom Acting Like a Yandere? The World May Never Know

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   The ride home was the most uncomfortable one of my life. I was practically choking on the tension, as well as the smoke from Tord's cigar that he was nervously chewing on the end of. I could feel his eyes on me the entire ride, but I looked everywhere but him. It creeped me out, the way he was looking at me. It was like he was seeing someone else, a ghost..  I almost hoped we would get in a car crash so that I wouldn't have to face what awaited me at our arrival. On the other hand, I don't want to die beside Tord.

  Inevitably, the car stops, and we go inside the apartment complex, going up to Edd's. Tord washes his face, then we sit awkwardly in silence until Edd comes back from his kitchen with a bottle of cola for himself. "So..." The green-hooded man starts. "Why are you here." It sounds like more of a cold statement than an actual question, and I know Edd is angry, and rightfully so. 

Tord takes a deep breath. "Look, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." His accent makes my blood boil. Actually, everything about him makes my blood boil. 

  Matt interjects, "Didn't mean for what to happen? Tom almost dying? Burning down our house? punCHING MY BEAUTIFUL FACE?" His voice escalates and I can see faint tears shining his eyes in memory of the black eye. 

  "No," Tord states coldly. "For you to ever see me again." Even I felt a little taken aback by his response, and I couldn't give a rat's ass if I never saw him again. "Or at least, not until I had conquered the whole world. Then you'd see me on billboards, and worship me as your leader." He holds his chin up with all the condescension of one who already had the world in his pocket. 

  "You will never be my leader," I hiss, and Matt has to hold me back. "And if you cared so little, then why have you been following me?" 

  Something flickers in his eyes, something full of spite and contempt. "Well, I'll be going now. Armies to command, countries to take."

  A roar pours out of my throat, uncommanded. "NO!" I snarl, a guttural sound. "I WILL NOT LET YOU RUIN OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES. IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME, BUT I WILL NOT  STAND AROUND AND LET YOU HURT INNOCENT PEOPLE." And suddenly I'm playing the hero.

  Edd and Matt look confused; this is definitely not what I expected. "Tom?" Edd asks, slightly concerned.

  Tord shrugs. "You want me to stay. I can't blame you, I would want me to stay to. But I must go." 

I snarl and pin him against the wall, fist pulled back ready to strike. "DID YOU HEAR ME? I SAID NO!" He pulls back, his eyes wide. 

  "No need to go all yandere on me." He reaches behind him for the door knob.

  "Tord. If you leave, I swear I will kill you. I swear to Jehovah, I will destroy you." I suppose Tord must be used to getting death threats, but I guess something in my eyes, something scared him into staying. Whatever it was, it convinced him to move his hand away from the doorknob and to retreat to a corner, staring at me distrustfully. 

  Matt looks at me. "Look, if Tord's going to stay here, he's NOT staying with me after what he did to my precious face." He has a point. About where Tord is going to stay, that is, not about his face. I didn't really want him to stay with me. I really didn't want him to stay with me. But, I couldn't trust Edd or Matt to not let Tord go.

  Edd speaks up next. "Plus, you're the one who wanted him to stay, Tom. He has to stay with you." 

  I shrug, I can't really argue with them. In the corner, Tord mumbles, "I'm really feeling the love guys." 

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