The Sleepover

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Just as I decided to sit down Donald walked back in and I was awed with what I saw. He was wearing baby blue race car pajamas and bright pink bunny slippers. In his hand he carried a small teddy bear. Wow, he's such a man!

"Let's go to my room! I have the best room! And the best words!" Donald grabbed my hand with his small orange ones and skipped along pulling me with him.

When we got to his room Donald immediately ran to his oddly built Lego wall.

"Let's build a walllllllllllllllllllllllllll!" He squealed with excitement. Gosh he's so determined, I thought as I saw him attempt to place the pieces on top of each other, never giving up no matter how many pieces fell! I walked over to try to help but Donald suddenly stopped and said:

"I am building a wall. It's my wall! Miinnnneee!!!!" I sighed and sat down. By the time Donald was satisfied with his wall it was 2 in the morning.

"That's a cool wall Donald!" I told him with a smile.

"It's the best wall. It's UUUGGGGGEEEE!!!!!!!!"

"Hey Donald, what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh........uuuuuuuuhhhhhh.... wall?"

"We did that already Donald"

"I know what we can do! Let's watch a movie about walls!" As he said this Donald dragged me to a room with a TV. Before this moment I was not aware there was a movie about walls. For the next five hours we watched multiple movies about walls. Donald stared at the TV with complete concentration the whole time. His eyes did not leave the screen until the last word was uttered.

After the movie Donald stared blankly  into space muttering about walls and occasionally uttereing a few racial slurs.

"Donald" I said suddenly serious "I meant what I said before, I love you Donald, even more than you love walls." Donald suddenly spun towards me.

"Wall!? I like walls!" He said excitedly. I think that means he loves me too! I hugged him tightly despite the orange residue and thick sweat that the hug would leave. Donald pushed me away and skipped upstairs singing about walls. Suddenly I heard a shriek and a large bang I can only describe as the sound an elephant would make while tumbling off a mountain.

"Wall!" Donald screamed in what sounded like pain. His hair, started screaming and soon walked in looking worried.

"Donald fell down the stairs! This is the 37th time this year he's done that! I think he needs to go to the hospital!" As his hair said this I started sobbing. I hope Donald will be okay!  He had just poetically confessed his love to me through the use of a wall metaphor to describe that he feels we have grounding and secure relationship! I can't lose him now! I ran towards the stairs frantically and still sobbing.

Dillary Trinton: a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now