Part 1

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Honeydew had been underground in YogLabs for months. He couldn't remember the last time that he saw sunlight, let alone civilisation. The only people he saw down here were Xephos, Lalna and some of the other scientists, although, recently he hadn't been seeing Lalna as often. A few month ago, Lalna and Xephos had an argument and fell out. Since then, Honeydew had only seen his friend twice. He had no clue what the argument was about, but Xephos wouldn't say a word about it to him which meant it was most definitely serious.

As well as this, Honeydew hadn't been aloud anywhere near a mirror in about the same period of time. The mirror in his quarters had been taken down, as well as all of the ones in the bathroom, even the women's loos. When Honeydew found this out, he was honestly ready to go crazy. This whole thing was completely and utterly ridiculous. He decided that he wanted some answers.

It was about 5AM but Honeydew did not care. Xephos had gone to bed an hour ago, so when Honeydew barged into his quarters, he was fast asleep. This certainly stopped Honeydew in his tracks. Xephos looked so adorable when he was asleep. All of the tension, worry and reserve in his face was gone and was instead replaced by complete calm and relaxation. He just looked so at peace. Honeydew simply couldn't take the spaceman from this bliss. However, as he turned to go, he glanced in the mirror on the wall by the bathroom. He was shocked at what he saw.

His face looked vaguely the same, or at least, the main features did. He had the same eyes and the same beard, and the same freckle on his cheek, but his skin looked odd. From beneath it, he could see metal plates and wiring and chips.

"What is this? What has happened to me?" Honeydew questioned in a shaky voice. He was scared. This was not him, this was so e other being.

Honeydew turned to Xephos who was just waking up due to Honeydew's loud questioning.

"Morning, Honeydew. Whats with the shouting?" Xephos mumbled, confused.

Honeydew stared incredulously at his friend. He waved his hands around his face. "Xephos! What is this?" he shouted.

Instantly Xephos was awake. "That is your face?"

"But what am I? I'm not even human!"

"Of couse you are, Honeydew. Nothing has changed," Xephos replied, getting out of bed. Honeydew tried not to stare at his tight Pixelmon underwear but failed miserably. He forced himself to look at Xephos, but there was no point. Xephos couldn't bring himself to look at Honeydew's face.

Honeydew grabbed Xephos by the collar on his t-shirt and screamed at him. "What is this?!"

"Look, Honeydew, I will not apologise for what I did."

"You did this?" Honeydew yelled in outrage. Xephos nodded but did not say a anything more. "Say something." Xephos did not. He closed his eyes before lifting them to meet Honeydew's angry expression. He warily trained his eyes on the dwarf's hand that was raising in the air. He was right to. The next next second, he was lying on the marble floor with a throbbing red cheek. Xephos brought his hands up to his face and through his fingers he could see Honeydew's face. He looked mad.

"Why did you do this to me?"

"You were about to die. I couldn't let that happen. We were out on a - a walk and it was nice but then a, erm, hydra or a dragon or something came out of nowhere but it was different and none of our weapons worked and it could breathe fire and I didn't think it would do anything but then I saw that it had hit you and... You were dying... I could't let that happen... I couldn't let you leave me..."

"Why do I not remember?"

"The things you went through... There was no way I could force you to remember that again."

"So you were fine with me becoming some monster, you were fine with me forgetting and you were fine with lying to me just so that I could live and you could be happy?" As Honeydew continued on, his voice raised higher and higher until he was, yet again, practically screaming. Xephos nodded and the other man noticed the tears in his eyes. He ignored them.

"Do you know how selfish that is?"

Xephos looked down and tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Do you know? Because I don't think you do? No, you have absolutely no idea..." Xephos said nothing. "Answer me!"

With a small shake of the head and a look at Xephos' eyes, Honeydew realised something.

"You are not telling me the whole truth... Tell me why you saved me," Honeydew said with a softer voice.

"I... I saved you because..."

"Because what?"

"It was because I... I love you..." Honeydew watched as Xephos slowly lifted his head and let the love and care show through.

Honeydew only looked on in disgust. "You loved me?"

Xephos shied away and nodded. "Please don't say you're homophobic..."

"Thats not it. If you... Loved me, why would you put me through this?"

"I couldn't live without you."

"Of course you could." Honeydew sighed. He had been in love with Xephos for as long as he could remember, and if this had been any other situation, he would have jumped at the chance. This time, however, what Xephos had done was unforgivable.

"No, you don't understand... My species, we have soulmates. Sometimes they come from different planets or species... Thats why I am a spaceman, I was searching for mine... And I found him."

"That does nothing to explain what you did."

"Look, is it not obvious enough? You are my soulmate. I would die without you!"

Honeydew just rolled his eyes. He was shocked but would not let this show. "Stop over-exaggerating, Xephos." And with that, Honeydew turned and left the room.

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