Part 3

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Weeks after the incident between Xephos and Honeydew, the two were both invited to the Sjindig at Mahogany Meadows. While Xephos flew on a jet with Lalna, Honeydew arrived by boat. However, when Xephos arrived, Honeydew hadn't yet. He really wanted to see him, even if he couldn't be with him; in any case, it would ease his worry to see that the dwarf was okay. Sad, Xephos ignored everyone and went to sit by the coast for a bit.

"Where did I go wrong? What really made him hate me? Is he homophobic, or does Honeydew really just... Not want to be with me?" He asked these questions out loud, questioning the cool evening breeze that ran over his face.

"Y'know, it's none of those things."

In a flash, the spaceman was on his feet. "H-Honeydew? What are you d-doing here?" he asked, taking a step back.

With a slight smile, Honeydew replied, "I came to see you."

Xephos took another step back. "Me? Why would you come and see me?"

"Xeph, you're my best friend. Of corse I would come and see you. I missed you, Xephos, honestly, I did!"

A smile made it's way onto Xephos' face. "Oh." Not realising how close he was to the edge if the land, he took one last nervous step backwards. The ground beneath him crumbled under his weight and he could feel himself slipping, almost falling into the water below. The next thing he knew, Honeydew had his arms wrapped around the other man, pulling him securely onto the island.

Letting out a sob, Honeydew buried his face into his spaceman's shoulder. "I'm so sorry... Xephos... I - I never should have said those things to you... Xephos, please... I... I lo-"

"Shh, Honeydew, it's fine..."

"N-no... I need to say it..."

"Say what?" Xephos pulled back to look at the dwarves tear-stained face.

"Xephos... I... I love... You!"

Xephos' face broke out into a huge grin before pulling the shorter man into a kiss.

"I love you too."

The spaceman leaned down to give the dwarf a kiss. It started off as a slow, graceful kiss, but Honeydew quickly morphed it into something much more. 

It was at that point that Sjin found them. "Well. I suppose you two have made up." He turned away at a glare from both of them. "Okay..." He then walked off towards the rest if the group. "Don't worry! Honeydew hasn't killed Xeph or anything!" he yelled ti the rest of the party-goers.

Honeydew turned back to Xephos. "Y'know, I don't think I ever really hated you." At a questioning gaze, he elaborated. "That entire time, I think I was in love with you. I was just... Scared of giving in to my emotions."

Xephos smiled. "It's fine. We're fine."

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