Lost boy

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Jin wasn't home all night and the other members started to worry; so they called you. Jhope said y/n is Jin at your house? You said no.... why? Suga says you better come here now. You say ok. You know it's serious because their ton is very different than usual. You rush over as fast as your can. You say ok what's going on? They all sit you down on the couch and sit next to you. Jungkook says Rap mon you should tell her. Rap monster says no Jimin should I don't want to break it to her. You say break what to me? Guys someone tell me! V decides to be brave and says Jin has been missing for about 6 hours and we have no idea where he is. You stop and look at them worried and say I will go look for him. Jhope says no way are you going out alone, we are all going with you. You say fine. You all jump into their van that seats all of you guys and drive off to look for Jin. After a hour and a half you guys are about to give up. Suga says we have looking for so long I think it's time to go back home. You say while tearing up no we can't leave Jin out all alone! Suga says fine we will look more. Jungkook says I have a idea what if we walked around this time. You all say good idea. As you guys started to look around you found your way into a alley. You were looking around when you saw something move by the dumpsters. It was a person but not just any person it was JIN!!! You freaked out. He was bloody, had bruises and was not awake. You fell to your knees in front of Jin and out your hands on his poor bloody face. You tied to wake him up as you were crying. You yelled for the others as loud as you could. They came running. They saw what was going on. V pulled you from Jin and you were crying saying no no Jin. V said shhhh it's ok everything's going to be fine. Rap monster and some what Suga picked up Jin and carted him to the car. V carried you to the car too because you wouldn't get up. You guys went to the hospital just to be safe and they took Jin in right away. Jin was fixed up and in a room. You guys were by him all night. Jin woke up and you guys were all there for him.
----------------------------------------------it's so late and I'm tired so sorry I'm ending this here but I will make either a part 2 or add on to this if you guys want.

Bts Jin imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن