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October 15th- 6:36pm

"Vikki!" giggled little three year old, Kamilla, her two blonde braids trailing behind her.
"Come catch me!" shouted back six year old, Viktoria.

Viktoria ran, pushing open the glass doors leading into their home. She dashed down the hallway and into her bedroom, Kamilla trailing not to far behind her.
Viktoria leaped onto her bed, Kamilla leaping on top of her.

"Kamilla!" Viktoria screamed, giggling as she wrestled her little sister off.

Eventually, the two girls laid side by side in the bed, giggling until they gasped for breath.

"Is that two giggle monsters I hear?" asked their father, slowly entering the room.
"No no no!" Viktoria laughed.
"Because I just so happen to be a..." their father paused and began to walk towards the girls. "Giggle monster hunter!" he said, picking up Viktoria, and began to tickle her.

Viktoria giggled and kicked her little legs, as Kamilla watched and laughed along with her sister.

"Dinner's ready!" yelled their mother.

The two girls followed their father into the dinning room, sitting down for their usual family dinner.


October 16th- 2:43am

"Mommy? Daddy?" Kamilla mumbled, walking down the hallway after being awoken by the house alarm, followed by a loud bang in her parents room.

Kamilla pushed open the door to her parents bedroom and stumbled over to her parents bed, crawling onto a bench and onto the bed. She slowly crawled across the bed to her mother and father, who laid motionless on the bed.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Kamilla said again, this time a bit louder. "Mommy! Daddy!" she screamed.

All of a sudden Viktoria came bursting into the room, running over to Kamilla who had burst into tears.

"Vikki! Get mommy and daddy!" Kamilla cried.

Suddenly, the sounds of sirens filled the air, getting louder and louder by the second.
After a few minutes, the girls were being escorted out of the house by a policeman, and doctors scrambled into the bedroom with two stretchers, returning moments later with their mother and father still laying motionless on top of them.

"Wheres mommy and daddy?" Viktoria asked, tapping the leg of the policeman.
"They're not feeling very well." he lied, trying not to upset the little girls. "They'll be better soon."
"Yay!" Viktoria exclaimed.

The policeman looked down and the two young girls and took a deep breath.
How was anyone going to tell them what had just happened?

This is the prologue to my new story, "Let it Rain"!
I am very excited to continue writing this, and very excited to hear what you all think about it as it progresses!
Also, this story is completely fiction!
Main character... *drum roll* Kamilla!!||Woah, intense||Awh, poor Kamilla and Viktoria


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