Chapter 1

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February 14th- 4:16pm
Twelve years later...

I watched as couples walked down the sidewalk, holding hands and gigging. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my hot chocolate. Being in my shoes, I have never had time to get to know any guys enough to make me like them, never the less any friends.
I stood up from the small table I sat at inside Starbucks, and walked through the door. I walked down the street, avoiding the puddles that remained on the sidewalk from last night's storm. My older sister, Viktoria, hated storms. To me they were just a way of the universe showing their emotions.


After a while of walking, I reached the 'HFFG', or, Home For Foster Girls.
After the incident, we were put into the Foster system. Viktoria and I have been through nine different homes within twelve years. We have been given back for multiple reasons. Either the family couldn't take care of us, something happened and we had to be taken back, and many other reasons.

"Kam!" called my older sister.
"Hey." I replied.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine." I replied.

She looked at me. She new just as well as I did that I was lying. Viktoria knew how lonely I was, and how much I wanted to be apart of a family again.
Whenever a family would come into the HFFG to take in a foster child, Viktoria would always try to get them to pick me. As much as I want to find a family, I don't want it to be without Viktoria.

"How was Starbucks?" she asked, thankfully trying to change the subject.
"It was good. A lot of couples trying to be Spoby, but besides that good." I replied, causing Viktoria laugh.
"There may be Spoby wannabes out there, but we will always be the perfect image of sibling Sparia." she responded.

One of the many things we had in common was our love for the television show, 'Pretty Little Liars'. She was the Spencer to my Aria and no one could ever replace her.

"Want to go inside?" she asked. "I heard it's supposed to rain again."
"Sure." I replied.

We walked through the front doors, entering the warm home of HFFG. We walked down the hallway and up the stairs to the bedroom we shared.
At HFFG, there were a total of ten bedrooms. When girls came to the home, they were given a room, along with a roommate. Ms. Cara, who was the owner of HFFG, did this so we would never feel lonely. Luckily, she allowed Viktoria and I to room together.
We then sat down on Viktoria's bed and began to watch 'Pretty Little Liars', as I tried to forget about the lonely Valentines day.


After a while of watching, we had both decided to try to go to bed. As I closed my eyes, I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me. I turned over in bed and saw Viktoria, wide awake.

"Have you ever thought of taking dance classes again?" Viktoria asked me in a hushed tone.
"I don't know." I replied.

Before the incident, Viktoria and I used to do dance. I used to love wearing my black leotard and pink tights and pretty pink tutu. After mom and dad passed, I continued dance until I was 7, then left. I couldn't seem to find joy in anything after that.

"You should, you're incredible." she said back.
"I wasn't that good." I sighed.
"Oh please." Viktoria replied, rolling her eyes.
"You were good too! Do you not remember being put into a class three levels above your age?" I said.
"Well.. Maybe I was pretty good." she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I playfully punched her shoulder and laughed.

"But seriously. There's a dance studio in Mesa that's pretty good. I could talk to Suzanne about letting you take classes?" Viktoria said.
"I don't know, dance is a lot of money." I replied sighing.
"But, she said we each get an activity. What if we did dance together!"

I thought about it for a second. I did used to love dance. Maybe it would help pull me out of whatever funk I was in. And Viktoria would do it with me.

"Why not." I said.
"Wait really?" Viktoria asked, shock in her voice.
"Yes." I replied.
"Yay!" she squeeked, reaching over to hug me. "We'll talk to her in the morning!"

Viktoria then flipped over and closed her eyes, a smile stuck on her face.
Maybe dance would be good for me.

Awh, I love Kamilla and Viktoria's relationship and how close they are||Ooh, I wonder where they'll end up dancing ((haha))
Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying my new fanfiction as much as I'm enjoying writing it!
Comment which club dancers/prepro members you would like to see appear later on in the book.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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