Prince Charming

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"Looks like you finally found your prince charming

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Looks like you finally found your prince charming." Your mother spoke as she washed down the counter with a wash rag. You sat on a stoll watching your fiancé through the door way, as he sat on the floor playing barbies with his daughter. JJ laughed as her father made a funny face when she put a crown on his head. "Seriously a prince." She laughed.

You grinned, "Yeah, he's the best Mama." You said looking back at her, "He treats me like I'm a princess"

"How has JJ taken to you? I mean I've seen she's pretty warmed up to you, but I mean as a motherly figure?"

"She doesn't seem to have an issue with it." You paused glancing over at the father and daughter, "Jensen sat her down a few weeks ago and I over heard them. He asked if she was okay with me staying around for a long time. He was very persistent on a very long time." You grin turns into a full on smile as Jensen starts laughing as JJ climbed onto his shoulders and raised her hands out with wands in them and yelled 'I'm a princess airplane!' You loved watching as he held her legs and laughed with his whole body. His head was thrown back into her lap, lips curled up showing all his white teeth and his body shook with laughter rumbling through him. "She said that she loved me. Happy that he was happy."

Your mom smiled watching you watch them. She was a hundred percent positive that you finally found someone that was forever. The idea that you found a man that treated you well and loved you for you. It wasn't taken unnoticed that Jensen stared at her daughter with such love, adoration, and respect that even left her in awe. She noticed you gave him the same exact look back. It really was like a classic love story. One that would be in movies and stories.

You loved Jensen with every fiber in you. He gave you everything you ever wanted and he contuined to surprise you every day. Their was a time you doubted his love for you because he could have any girl and he chose you; you couldn't help but wonder why? You weren't anything special. This was Jensen Ackles your talking about. He was a famous actor with beautiful green eyes that would send any girl into a trance. And many he has. He said he liked you because you didn't like him for his money and fame. He said he fell for you becuase of how you were with his daughter and fans, how you gave the world everything you could and didn't expect anything in return. He said he loved you becuase no matter how many flaws you thought you had, you were perfect to him, and he made sure to say that everyday. He was your best friend and the man you loved. Jensen gave you the freedom you needed and respect you wanted, love that you never imagined you could have, he gave you motivation to be the best person you could be, and adventure that you didn't know existed.

"Go." Your mom said pulling you from your thoughts. She knew what you were thinking.

You didn't bother replying because you already knew what she meant; so you stood and walked out of the room and towards Jensen and JJ. JJ was the first to notice your presence, immediately she smiled up at you before going back to playing with an Elsa and Anna doll set your mom got her.

"Hey baby." Jensen spoke raising his hand to your's and pulling you down onto his lap. You got comfy leaning back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you giving you a sense of being safe in his warm embrace. Your arms rested around his as you both watched JJ talk for the dolls to one another.

"My mom thinks I've found my prince charming." You spoke softly.

He let out a breathtaking laugh rumbling through him, and vibrating down your spine making you shake with a chill. His laugh was music to your ears and you loved it, but no matter how many times you hear it it will always send a chill through your body knowing the source of the sound was your fiancé. The man you loved and he returned the same love to you.

"And what do you think?"

You turned slightly in his arms and looked up at him. Stubble lined his jaw circling around his full lips, hair messy from running his hand through it and not bothering to put jell in it this morning, his eyes had their continuous glint to them but as he laughed they shined a brighter green. A crown still rested on his head that had fallen slightly onto his forhead. You couldn't help but to grin at the irony.

"Said that you treated me like I was your princess."

Jensen's grin slowly slipped as he leaned down pressing his lips to your's. You turned more reaching up, placing a hand behind his neck, and one brushing through his hair lightly tugging at it making him let out a soft almost silent moan. His right hand cradled your back, thumb rubbing back and fourth, and his right hand creeping itself up to your cheek. Your lips moved in sync with his and you were suddenly aware just how much you loved this man. He was your prince charming, savior, soul mate, whatever the description was. It scared you to be honest, scared of just how much you loved him and how quickly you fell for him all those months ago. You were the first to pull away needing air and being left speechless just like every other kissed you shared with Jensen.

"I love you." He whispered pecking your lips.

"I love you to Jay." You smiled pecking his back once more before turning back around and looked at your soon to be step daughter as he wrapped his arms back around you. JJ didn't even take notice to the lack of conversation from the two of you, she was more concentrated on the third barbie she found in the toy box beside her.

Written: 10/19/16Published: 05/04/17

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Written: 10/19/16
Published: 05/04/17

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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