Reveal The Dress

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Chapter 10---Reveal The Dress

"Do you really have to go now?"

"Yes, Mom. I told Jenn and Dex that I'd meet them at Regine's shop in half an hour."

I was standing in my mom's living room, putting on my jacket.

Instead of just calling her, I decided to pay her a visit.

So far, I've only told her about the mysterious lady who's designing and making my dress.

I decided to save the question about my dad for last.

"Drive safe, honey," Mom said.

"I will," I said, standing in the front doorway now. "Oh, and I think there's something I forgot to ask you..."

"Get on with it. Be a straight-shooter," she said, crossing her arms.

I bet she can tell what I'm about to say.

"Mom, how was your coffee date with Dad?" I asked.

"It wasn't a date. We were just discussing a few things, with one of those things being you."

"Well, in my mind, I want to believe it was a date."

She leaned against the door frame. "Sweetie, you're not still thinking that your father and I are gonna get back together, are you?"

I shrugged. "You never know what can happen in this crazy world. I mean, yesterday, my step-sisters were freaking out over the price of one shoe."

"Wait, just one shoe?" Mom questioned.

"It's a weird story," I said. "But, my point is, things can happen when you least expect it. And sometimes, when you do expect it, it can still be pretty surprising."

"Ember, what are you talking about?"

I sighed. "Nothing, Mom. Just forget it. See ya later."

I left her, standing confused in the doorway.

An amused expression crossed my face, as I drove away.


I parked in front of Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Beautiful and hopped out of my truck.

"Finally, you're here," Jenn said.

"Yeah. Regine wouldn't let us see the dress unless you were here," Dex mentioned.

"Sorry. I was at my mom's place, and you know us. We lose track of time."

"Did you tell her about your future fairytale night?" Jenn questioned.

"Yes, I did. She seemed pretty excited for me. But to tell you the truth, I think I'm a little more excited for her."

"Why?" Dex asked.

"She and my dad went out for coffee, and she doesn't want to admit it, but I believe it can be considered as a date."

Jenn squealed. "No way!"

"I'm serious!"

Dex rolled his eyes. "Why is this so important?"

"Get with the program, Dexter," Jenn stated. "If Ember's parents start hanging out together, those lead to serious dates, which can lead to serious talking."

Dex still looked confused. "Serious talking? About what?"

Jenn placed her hand on his shoulder. "You are so clueless. Don't you get it? If Jeff and Julie get back together, then Pearl, Ruby, and Jade will be out of the picture."

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