Face Reveal! + some info

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Info aboot moi...which you can see there!

1) I love cats and owls!

2) I really like milk ._.

3) I am 15!

4) I'm a single pringle

5) I watch way too many youtubers: Jontron, Caddicarus, Matthias, TeamEdge, Dlive, Coryxkenshin, GameGrumps, RubberRoss, Starbomb, Egoraptor, Cryaotic,Jordan Underneath, Jacksfilms, AVGN, Draw With Jazza, Good Mythical Morning, Cyriak, CreepsMcPasta, Mr.CreepyPasta, CinemaSins aaaand finally TheGamingLemon....

yeaaah...Told ya I watch too many xD

6) I aspire to become an animator!

7) I wish that at one point I will publish a book.

8) I'm almost at 2k followers on wattpad ;w; ((thanks guys))

9) I should warn you, I don't have a good opinion about my appearance...in fact some days I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror.

10) I suffer of depression and bipolarity!

11) I love to roleplay! :3

12) South Park is my obsession, I LOVE IT.

13) I'm an introvert.

14) I love hoodies that have animal ears ._.

15) I want to have a raven/crow as a pet

16) I blush really easily

17) I'm ticklish

18) I listen to all sorts of music as long as it sounds good to me!

19) I love to give advice to people, listen to their problems and try to help them out, I can understand a lot of people or try to.

20) When it comes to art/animation, I inspire myself from artists such as: Arin Hanson, Ross O'Donovan, Jazza, Tim Burton and David Firth.

21) I love candy! strawberry candy...and coffee candy as well! :3

22) I'm an Agnostic.

23) I love English, I've been able to speak it since I was six and I get it so well that I can actually understand English conversations without having to think them over, it comes naturally to me.

24) I like to listen to rain.

25) my nickname when I was little was: 'Little Kitty' or 'Kitty' because of how much I acted like a cat and because of my obsession with it.

26) I actually used to have a cat named Oji when I was 3, but it was disseased so my dad took it away.

27) I haven't realized it, but I have been depressed since I was little, its barely now catching up to me mentally.

28) My favourite holiday is Christmas...despite having bad memories of it.

29) I sometimes hate people...not all the time.

30) I have been called: 'An asshole', 'annoying', 'an idiot' and 'Sadist...' by my friends! either because I pissed them off or because I did something stupid when it was plainly obvious.

31) Birds are awesome...end of story.

32) My favourite Grumps are: Dan, Arin and Ross. ((also Jon but he's gone))

33) Sometimes I really enjoy putting on make-up and taking care of my more feminine side.

34) I won't really admit it outloud, but I love heels...they are a pain to walk in, but damn I love them xD

35) My dreams are weird and complicated...sometimes I don't even understand them myself...

36)Lately I've started to accept compliments more about my art or my clothes or anything really...because compliments are nice! ^^

37) I really want to write something else other than Fanfiction...but I know not a lot of people are gonna read it so I always set myself back.

38) I'm still in the FNAF fandom.

39) I could never get in the Undertale fandom no matter how much I tried...

40) speaking of which, my favourite character is Papyrus and Flowey

41)Some days I hate myself, some days I don't.

42) I am not really a party type of person...the most I managed to stay at a party was 8 hours before my "battery" drained and I started to have a breakdown.

43) I hate the fact that depressed people are always reading those even more depressing stuff that some write on the internet...some of it quite frankly is just stupid and doesn't do anything else than to affect depressed people even more!

44) Did you remember to smile today?

45) My mind is...quite broken actually ._. And I'm not sure how to feel about that.

46) Drawing makes me feel calm.

47) I have tried smoking.

48) I really enjoy psychology!

49) I love everything creepy and out of the ordinary...especially spooky documentaries, stories and such.

50) all of my oc's represent a bit of me and my personality.

51) some days I really want to be in a relationship but other days I'm just...eh about it.

52) I really like bears.

53) I hate that people kill innocent animals...

54) when I was much younger I used to hit people when I got angry or upset...now I've learnt to temper myself but its still a urge I have.

55) I've started writting fanfiction because I wanted to write some for myself, most of the fanfics I read weren't what I wanted them to be sooo that's how I started it out!

56) my username came into existance just like *poof* no backstory or anything! And now whenever I see bored somewhere I instantly get excited xD

57) I wish that one of my ships ((like Susott)) would become a huge thing where people make fanart about it and write stories! but that's just one of my dreams xD

58) People that I want them to see how I look like irl: xLxst_Mindx



And here is the moment you've all been waiting for:

Here is me...behold...

uhh...yeaaah...I don't know what else to say ._.

I might actually delete this...I-I don't know...

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