crush x depressed!reader ~ saved

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WARNING! IF DEPRESSION, CUTTING, SUICIDE, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT TRIGGERS YOU, SKIP THIS CHAPTER. also sorry i havent updated in a bit, ran out of ideas, please give me suggestions if you have any! anyways, to the chapter! (all in 3rd POV)

   You walked home from school alone as usual, your mom forgot to pick you up again so you got stuck walking about what would take you 15 minutes in a car, almost an hour walking home. You help your left arm in pain while trying to hold back tears and carry your books. Why does everyone hate me.. you thought what did i ever do? Even as you walked down the street, you heard kids laugh and throw stuff at you as you walked home, alone.

   See, you where the kid everyone chose to pick on at school, the one who is picked on just for being a bit different, your mother doesn't you and your father left. you only ever had one friend, (c/n) he was your best friend all to 9th grade, he defended you and made sure nobody bullied you. But one day, that all changed. His mother had decided to put him in homeschooling because she thought 'it would help him focus more on schoolwork and less of socializing'. So now, you, (y/n) (l/n) where alone, and basically dead inside

   That's it..I've had enough of this shit..Sorry mom, i wont be returning home, not like you would care. you thought as you went a different way then normal. you went for the bridge. You had stopped when you where almost there and took out your notebook and pencil to write a note to (c/n), about why you disappeared. This is what you wrote.

Dear (c/n),

I'm, sorry you had to find out this way that, this happened to me. Before you say anything, it isn't your fault, its mine, because i jsut simple exist. Everyone at school, including the teachers, hate me. My mother doesn't even feed me, take me places, or talk to me at all so, i don't see the point in living anymore.

You remember when you found out about my cuts on my arms? remember how i promised not to think or do anything like that again? well, i'm breaking it, for the same of humanity, for everyone, so they can be free of me.

I'm writing this for more then jsut this reason, i need to tell you something, something i haven't told you and I think I need to know.

(c/n) (c/l/n), I'm in love with you, i have been ever since i knew what a crush was, you made me still believe in love and that there was some good int his world. then, that love and good disappeared, but i still love you and i always will, so please. stay strong for me and keep going.

You have a lot to live for, i dont. Just stay strong please.

Love, (y/n)

   You went over to (c/n)'s house, thankfully he wasnt there so you folded the note and taped it to the door. You then ran back as quick as you could to the bridge. Little did you know (c/n) was on his bike and was just pulling up when you ran off.


   (y/n) stood on the edge of the bridge, looking at the shallow water below her, it was so shallow she could she the jagged rocks at the bottom of it. Tears streamed down her face as she was about to step off, but a voice stopped her. "(Y/N)! DONT!" she turned around to see none other then (c/n). "(c/n)..please..go back home..forget i exist..i dont belong in this world.." "(y/n) you do! you do belong here! everyone does." "THEN WHY DOES NOBODY CARE ABOUT ME!" )y/n) then broke down crying.

   She felt a pair of arms wrapp around her, (y/n) opened her eyes to see (c/n)...crying? he never cries (y/n) thought. "please, (y/n) dont leave..I care about you, I need you with me. I don't wnat to lose you. (y/n)...I love you.." he said looking into your (e/c) eyes. "(c/n) i love you too" with that, (c/n) leaned in and kissed (y/n) it was a short, but still passionate kiss. (c/n) pulled back smiling, and for the first time in months.

   (y/n) smiled.

   "come on (y/n) i'll take you abck to my place, you can stay there for now" (y/n) hugged (c/n)and whispered a quick thank you. "and, one more thing" (c/n) said. "what is it?" "promise me, and hold this promise, dont try this again, please. You know i'll always be here for you no matter what" (c/n) said holding (y/n)'s hand. "i promise, and this time, i'll hold it, now and forever."

   (c/n) carried (y/n) backed to her house, and they lived happily ever after

   till (y/n)'s dad came and took custody over her and moved thousands of miles away but hey, long distance true love relationships exist!

Ok 1. i know this one was a bit sad but it ended slightly happy, and 2., dont yell at me for the last part, its 2 AM and im getting tired xD anyways, please, if you ahve any suggestions, again, comment them, send me a message. I'll try and get it done. I'm running out of ideas for crush x reader scenerios xD anyways. thanks for everything everyone!

~zia out!

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