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College was no trip, when I applied I thought it was going to be new experiences, going to parties, making out with random guys, throwing my bra out of a window, and all that good stuff. But, it's more like staying in a dorm all day studying until my eyes fall out. Of course I do have my own apartment now, so it's more comfortable but, still it's nothing like what I expected. I haven't made out with anyone, I haven't gone to any parties, and I haven't had a chance to throw my bra out a window yet. Disappointment. 

Flipping through my text books, I sighed rubbing my eyes. I had been studying for at least three hours, I really needed a break. Getting up from my desk, I made my way over to the kitchen. Searching through the cupboard, I let out an angry shrug. "I never have anything to eat, dammit." Slamming the cupboard closed, I walked over to the front door and grabbed my coat along with my keys. Everything in New York City was pretty much walking distance from me apartment, so I just walked mostly everywhere. Unless it's to school, cause I am not slvaing 25 miles on foot in the snow, nope. 

Flipping my hood on, I ran down the stairs and out the door. The cold air hit my face, causing me to shudder. You'd think I would be used to the cold already, the fact being that i've lived in New York my whole life, but nope, I probably will never get used to it. Traveling down the side walk, I acknowledged a few people with simple nods or smiles. As I kept walking along, Sal was sitting on his usual corner. "Hey big guy." I pat his shoulder. "Baby! How ya doin'? I was beginning to think you was burried under all them books." Sal chuckled, rubbing a thumb over my hand. "Ha! Na, I was pretty close though. I escaped just in time." I smirked as he turned towards me. "Where ya headed to?" He questioned curiously. Checking my watch, I snickered. "Sal, it's 4 o'clock. Where else would I be heading at this time?" His eyebrows rose and he shook his head laughing. "The deli. That's right. Don't taunt me, I'm out here all day and all night, can't expect me to not be a little brain dead." He laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "Tell ya what, I'll bring you back a hot coffee and a big bag of chips?" My heart really felt for Sal, he'd been homeless pretty much since the age of 19, and he'd just turned 68 a week prior. "You know what, baby? That would be awfully kind of ya." He smiled up at me, hopeful eyes. "You got it, Sal. I'll see you in a bit." I giggled, walking off. 

After what had seemed like a 700 mile trek, I finally reached the deli. Taking my gloves off, I rubbed my fingers, trying to get heat to travel to the tips. "You think you might have to chop them off?" Andrew spoke over the counter with a laugh. "I don't know, you got any knives back there?" I snickered, stuffing my gloves in my pockets. Leaning over the counter, I smiled at Andrew. He'd been working for his dad at the deli for 6 years, and thats how we met. I went every day after school and everyday after college classes. So, I guess you could say we're pretty good friends. "The usual?" He smirked, grabbing some things off the shelf. "Of course, I haven't changed in 6 years, I don't plan on doing it now." I laughed as he handed me the usual sandwhich, and coffee. "Sal wants coffee and chips, so gimme those too." I pointed at the bags on the shelf. "Demanding, are we?" He smirked, rolling his eyes. "Pleaseee," I dragged out the word so he knew I meant it. "That's better, i'll see you tomorrow, Baby." He leered, throwing me the bag of chips and handing me the coffee. Stuffing everything that wasn't a drink into a plastic bag, I slung it over my arm and waved goodbye to Andrew. 

"Here ya go, big guy." I smiled, handing him the bag of chips and coffee. The sun had already set by now, and the street lights had turned on. "Aw, thank ya so much, Baby. Make sure to be safe walking home." He kissed the top of my head and took a sip of his coffee. "No problem, Sal. Oh and here, I managed to pick this up on the way back." I handed him a heated blanket, I always grabbed whatever I could when I saw it for him, didn't want him to be cold sleeping outside. Looking at the blanket, he turned to me and rose his eyebrows, a smile etching on his face. "You're the best, Baby." He shook his head, hugging me tight. "Just doing my best to help you out, big guy." I smirked pulling away. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I made my way down the street, everything was quiet all I could see was my breath fogging out in front of me, and I could hear the wind beating against my ears. Turning the corner, it felt as if someone was following me. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I felt a hand come over my mouth. Slowly my eyes began to close, chloroform clogged my airway and I blacked out listening to the sound of two male voices. Everything inside of myself tried to fight to stay awake, but with out regard, I was out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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