Finding more of the puzzle

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"Here, Morgan, help me lift this thing." Hotch says as he uncovers the door the rest of the way, lifting the full floor carpet half-way across the room.

The two of them lift it together and Hotch takes the lead, quietly and cautiously making his way down the stairs.

We follow his lead, slowly and carefully desending each step.

"We're clear." Rossi says to my surprise.


"She's already gone." Hotch tells us "Whitler, JJ, you two stay here and look for anything that might help us."

I don't even bother to ask what the rest of them are doing, I know time is of the essence.

We search relentlessly through baby photos, canned food (in case she had to go into hiding it seemed), and books that looked like they'd been read about a hundred times over until we finally found something that conected all the seemingly random things, a bottle of pills.

"That's it!" I exclaim.

"She has a terminal illness. That's why she's reliving childhood memories through pictures and reading so many books while she stays in the hospital." I can't help but put together the pieces aloud to proove that I was getting better at this.

She smiles "Let's call Hotch."

"You're sure?"

"Positive." JJ assures Hotch.

"We have to find out what her diagnosis is." I put in.

"I'll call Garcia," he tells us "you two just keep looking for anything that might help us."

"You got it." JJ says, ending the call.

We look through the endless piles of papers and business cards she has on her small table.

How on earth did she ever fit any of this on here?

I freeze "I think I might have something."


I lift up a business card in reply.

"Have you found the hospital she's staying at yet?" JJ asks Garcia.

"Nope. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been sick for years."

"But we know for a fact she is. We have a name for you, Ben Campbell."

"The doctor?"

"Yep. See if he has any criminal background."

Her keyboard is the only sound I hear as I hold my breath "He was charged twice with treating people without keeping any record of it."

"How did he get caught if there was no record?"

"Two of his patients came up, claiming he let their child die."

"How is he still a doctor?"

"All they had were the testimonies. There was no actual proof that he had even treated their daughter so it was assumed that they were just looking for someone to put the blame on in their time of grief."

"If he treated one patient without record of it, he could've easily treated Jessica Roberts too."

I look over JJ's shoulder at her phone, eight o'clock am.

"I think it's about time for Dr. Campbell to recieve a little visit from the FBI." JJ suggests.

I smile "I couldn't agree more."

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."

Deepak Chopra

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now