Bad Things

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Am I out of my head?
Am I out of my mind?

That's all that keeps going through your mind when you find yourself back at the door of Camila's dorm. You said it was going to be your final time returning, but you've said that the last six times you went. You're knocking and she's letting you in before you can stop it from happening.

She's gentle. She always is. Even when you've broken her heart so many times, she treats you like the most wonderful person in the world. She kisses you softly while she intertwines your hands and you feel sick to your stomach, but you also feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

If you only knew the bad things I like
Don't think that I can explain it
What can I say, it's complicated

You have a boyfriend. You don't love him, but you're probably going to marry him. Your parents like him, he's smart, charming, and everything you want. He doesn't love you either. You know he's cheating on you, but you can't find it in you to care anymore.

Camila's always there, though. The first night you found out about him cheating you went straight to Camila's room. You really shouldn't have. You hated the sad look she gave you whenever you mentioned him. She's in love with you, and you've known that for the past 4 years. You were sad, messed up, and she was just there. You heard the vulnerability in her voice when she asked "are you sure?" and you nodded while she wiped tears of your face. She was cautious the first time. She acted scared to touch you, like you were to fragile and would break at any moment. She didn't fuck you. She was sweet, gentle, and trying to make love. The second round, you made sure that didn't happen. You were rough and pretty sure you left too many marks on her for your liking.

No matter what you say
Don't matter what you do
I only wanna do bad things to you
So good, that you can't explain it
What can I say, it's complicated

By now, she knows what you like. You've done this so many times you've lost count. You know she wants to treat you nicely, but you don't let her.

Neither of you are speaking right now. She's starting to speed up the kissing and her hands are traveling your body, like they haven't discovered every inch already.

You both know she hasn't had sex with another person since you two started this arrangement. It's kind of fucked up to make your closest friend do this when she's in love with you, but it was inevitable. She breaks the kiss to take off your shirt, and hers, and then she's sliding your pants off and she's kissing around every area except the place you want contact the most.

Nothing's that bad
If it feels good
So you come back
Like I knew you would
And we're both wild
And the night's young
And you're my drug

She finally takes your panties off and does what she always does. She makes you feel good, and she never lets you please her first for some reason. It's probably because she's too chivalrous, or something like that.

'This is the last time you're coming back' You think to yourself as she's going down on you. You're surprised you're even able to think, considering she's making you let out breathy moans and is doing things with her tongue you can't even comprehend.

Every night is the same. She goes down on you, you fuck her, she cums, you feel like shit, and you leave.

This time, it'll be the the last. You promise yourself that.

Breathe you in 'til my face numb
Drop it down to that bass drum
I got what you dream about
Nails scratchin' my back tatt
Eyes closed while you scream out
And you keep me in with those hips
While my teeth sink in those lips
While your body's giving me life
And you suffocating my kiss
Then you said

Bad Things (camren one shot)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz