Life as we Know it (Chapter Eight)

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Kacie's POV*

It was getting close to 12am it was 11.59 and 30 seconds till 12am. All the boys were with the girlfriends, exept John. :( Paris and I felt so sorry for him, But it looked like he was having a good time.

Jodie: "Almost New year!" SHE SHOUTED

The boys house was up on a medium sized hill so it was a good view to see the fire works!. I was ten seconds we all shouted out the countdown

Everyone: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The boys grabbed there girlfriends and gave them a Passionate kiss Paris and I hugged each other. We looked at John and walked up to him Giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Paris: "There you go your new years kiss" she joked

John:"ahah Thanx girls" he smiled back at us

Kaice:"Were so sorry Sarah had to leave"

John: "Dont be sorry! She really wanted the job and she got it im happy for her" He said tryna sound happy.

When the boys finished giving there girls a SMOOCH we all gave each other hugs. We all gave each other hugs and Made a group hug.Snuggling up alltogether. Len put his hand in the middle Jodie joined and we ended up all joining.

Len:"Lets start a New year with Great people and Knowing we got each others back and welcoming Back the Girls Paris and Kacie into The Jc family Once again! JUSTICE ON 3"

EVERYONE: we counted slowly "1.....2......3.! JUSTICE"

The girls all screamed With cheer.With such a reat start to a new year.


Solo: Umm Paris..? Thats todaay!


The boys laughed.

We were staying the night at lens and so was everyone else Len showed us Where the spare room was and the bathroom to brush our teeth.

Paris:"What times the flight?"

Len:" IT's an early flight 6am"

Kacie:"Fine with us " i smiled

Okay night girlys i'll tell John to wake you'se up bout 4am Happy new year

We said happy new year to Len back i got my phone out and strted to write on all my friends facebook walls "HAPPY NEW YEAR" So did Paris. We finished doing that and fell asleep..

Then suddenly John woke us up it Felt like i didnt even have a 1 second sleep it was alreay 4am.

i woke up and had a shower. Stripped down and washed my body but not my hair, so i could straighten it. Igot out of the shower and dried myself down i Quickly walked to the room as paris left to have her shower. We already had our suitcases here so we didnt have to go back home, But mum was going to meet us at the airport.

I open the suit case and chose a Bulls Jersey that was pre big but we were going on a plan, Who cares ahaha and i put on high waisted shorts tucking the jersey in. I didnt bother putting any make up on. Leilani and Channie came Because they really really wanted to come to Perth. John walked in with a present For me and Paris but Paris was in the shower so he just kept hers for now.

Kacie:"Hey do you ever knock" i winked

John:"Hahah well ur dressed soo" He stuck his tounge out." Any who these are for you he handed me the present and i opened it..It was aJustice Crew Jersey With my Name at the back "Kacie This girl", A Snapback and A varsity Jacket Wuth JC in the frount a "Kacie" at the back

Kacie:"woah thanx" Gave him a hug

 Paris walked in already dressed with her La jersey and her shorts ripped on the side.

John jave the exact same thing but with her name on it.

We walked down stairs and i looked at the clock, it was 5am we jumped into the mums car with Len and john and solo and Flos mum took half of the other boys we didnt bother having breakfast coz by the time we get to Perth It would be 9am.

We reached the airport and mum gave us a Bug hug!

Mum: Kacie you be good and have fun, boys if theres trouble call me ASAP dont want her ruining everything and Paris have a great time" Mum smiled kissed us on the cheek and waved good by Flo wished us luck She reminded us WE ALSO had o preform arghh great we hugged flo good bye and went off.

Few minute later we were on the plane it wasnt a real big one but it was good enough.

The lady pointed which way our seats were I sat inbetween John and Samson. ahah good mix Because we talk a lot, paris sat next to Leilani on the side they were talking about clothes and they channie was behind us with len solo and lukas and Paulie, lukas and emman behind them.

I was about to talk to samson But he fell ASLEEP wooah that was quick so i started talking to John

John:" So Perth you Old home town ayee?"

Kacie:"Yea.. wish school was Going you could preform for them" i sighed

John:"Yea i would've loved to meet them!" He replied.

Iturned the lil T.V. infrount of me checking what they had.

Kacie; "OMG they have you party mix sweet!"

John:"Awesomee im going to listen to that."

We all put our earphones on and listened to the party mix. I fell asleep after listening to there songs with my legs up on the chair it wasnt really comfy.

Paris POV*

I sat next to Leilani we were talking about clothes for the boys. she had magazines out asking what would go good with each clothing..

Leilani:" WOW thanx Paris for your help now i won't have to listen to Solo's back Clothing scenes" She winked

Solo:"I heard that"

Leilani: "Yea i love you too" she blew him a kiss and we got back to talking about clothes

John's POV*

Kacie fell asleep and so did Samson So i turned around and the boys were asleep too argh great no one to talk to Guess i just had to listen to Party mis again.

It was 9am We landed in perth Iwoke up kacie and the boys Kacie looked sooo excited to be back she said she was going to show us the hot spots like The Galleria shopping centre and The Cottesloe beach!

We got off the plane and saw a taxi man holding a sign saying "Justice crew" We were about to walk to him then kacie yelled


The boys and i turned She was hugging one of her family friend Jillaire She was 18 and Just finished high school Kacie alwasy talked about her and how she was so gorgeous and Kacie was right She was like an angel that lit up the whole world, i couldnt stop starring was she going to be mine?.......

Life as we Know it *Justice crew Fan Fic*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora