Chapter 1

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 That was ten years ago now I'm 15 and living with my aunt. Two weeks after we came home my father died in a car crash. Since no one, but my mom and dad knew where my mom lives I moved in with my aunt. School ended today and I graduated. I bet your wondering why I'm graduated at 15 well I skipped 5th grade and 8th grade.

"I'm home" I shout to let my aunt know
"Ok there's some mail for you on the table" my aunt yelled back

I walked into the kitchen and looked through my mail. Most of which was junk mail then I saw what looked like a letter. It was from my mom!! At first I skimmed over the letter until I saw that it had an address on it. Then I decided to go back and actually read it.


Dear Rosalyn,

I know this must be hard for you to read but I would like for you to come and live with me for at least the summer. There are a lot of things I need to explain and teach you before your 16th birthday. At the bottom of this letter I have left my address and phone number. If you could please call me and let me know when you can be ready to come. It would be greatly appreciated.

Love, Mom

P.S. I am truly sorry for missing out on you growing up and for missing your fathers funeral and I hope you can forgive me.

*end of letter*

When I finished reading you could say I was in shock. My aunt walked in right after I finished reading the letter.

"What happened Rose? You look shocked." Stated Aunt Joy

I pass her the letter "read it" I said still shocked. As aunt Joy read the letter I figured out what I'm going to do.

"Aunt Joy I know what I'm going to do." I said when she finished reading the letter.

"What's that?" She asked confused

"I'm going to my mom" I said confidently
"We need to start packing then" she said in a hurry

"Wait!" I shouted " I need to call her first to tell her my decision."

"Right" aunt Joy said as she walked back to me " I'm going out to buy you a suitcase or two. You call your mom while I'm gone." After saying that she grabbed her purse, phone, keys, put on her shoes and left. I walked to the door and locked it. I went back to the kitchen grabbed the letter then went to my room. (room in media above) I unlocked my IPhone and put in the phone number.

It rings 3 times before someone picks up. "Hello this is the Night residents how may I help you." Said the person on the other end.

"Hi this is Rosalyn Night. Could you put my mom on the phone please?"

"Yes just give me a moment." Said the man on the line with me right before he puts me on hold.

When the phone comes off of hold I here a feminine voice say" Alison, is that really you?"

"Yes and who am I talking to?" I question

"Oh yeah it's been so long since you have seen or heard my voice, this is your mom I heard that you had called so I hurried over to the phone." My mom said sounding on the verge of tears

"Are you alright you sound like you're about to cry"

"I'm all right I'm just happy you called."

"Ok, I called to tell you that I plan on coming for the summer."

"I need to stop crying I can't wait to see you."

"Are you really alright?"

"Yes I'm more than alright I'm ecstatic!" Says mom as happily as she can while trying to stop crying

"Mom?" I asked


"What should I bring with me?"

"You can bring anything you want... except a person" she said after she calmed down

"Why would I bring a person?" I asked confused

"I ... I was trying to make a joke. But I guess that didn't work out to well."

"Well on another note do you have wifi and at least a TV?"

"Yes there is wifi, and I have more than one TV."

"Ok than I'm going to bring my Roku with me."

"What's a Roku?" Mom asked

"It has Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and other stuff that you can watch, but that's only if you have wifi and a tv to hook it up to."

"Oh, so it's like cable?"

"In a way, but I'll pack clothes entertainment and wait how long does it take to get there?"

"Weeeeellllll it takes some time..."

"About how long?"

"Well first you need to take a flight then it's about a 12ish hour drive."

"Omg, well how long is the flight?" I ask nervously

"I'm not sure but I think it's a 24 hour flight.

"Ok well I'll book a flight for as soonest one and let you know when it is, but have to go and make a list of what to pack and to book a flight. Ok?"

"Ok and congratulations on graduating." She says in a motherly tone

"Thanks mom" I said while smiling "love you"

"Love you to my little Rose."

"Bye" I said while laughing a little.

"Bye" said mom before she hung up.  

I opened my note app and made my list of what to pack. After that I went back down stairs  and heated up some left over pizza.  After I ate I went upstairs got ready for bed and watched Netflix till I fell asleep.

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