Entry #1

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Note: Some of the pages in the journal are.. Kinda hard to read with it being water damaged, burnt, and blood splattered, so bare with me here. We lived in Vermont, Burlington to be exact. University of Vermont is our college.

The day started off with me and my five friends, (I should clarify my own name first, Eric, Eric Holmes.) we were given an assignment for our college class, mythology I think it was. So we spent that morning working together to think of an idea, we'd seen the fake ghost hunting videos, so that's we decided to do. It was a good plan for an easy grade, but the consequence wasn't worth it. Not at all.

(I began to look through the first video on Damien's old camera.)

The video opened with three of us; Kyle, Damien, and I wandering through an old house out in the woods, Damien was filming.

"Do you really believe this place is actually haunted?" I asked.

Damien chuckled.

(Damien has spiked blonde hair and green eyes, he's about 5.10 in height and was built like a tank. Kyle has combed over brown hair and brown eyes, he's about 5.8 in height and was moderate weight, I have long black hair that went to my shoulders in the back, but in the front my hair went to my nose, but it was parted and out of my eyes, I have bright blue eyes and I'm 6.3 and lanky.)

"Who knows, place sure does look haunted." He said.

"So, what exactly are we looking for, besides ghosts?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing really." Damien responded.

Kyle's flashlight suddenly started to blink over and over.

"Okay.. Knock it off, Kyle." Damien said.

Kyle laughed nervously.

"Wasn't me, I swear on that.."

Damien walked into a table, breaking it, under the table was a book, a pitch black book.

"What kind of book is it?" I asked.

"It's locked.." Damien said turning the book around, it had a lock on the cover.

"It's useless then, put it back." Kyle said.

The video cut to Damien by himself, opening a drawer of some kind, to find a big silver key with a note.

It read.

*Do not open the book, for God's sakes don't..*

Damien laughed it off and went back to join us where he showed us the key, he didn't open the book immediately.

We went back to our apartment, it belonged to the three of us. I wrote that down.

End of Entry #1

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