Chapter 6

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NOTE: This chapter has a shift in perspective. The usual story is first-person, but then it turns third-person during this chapter in particular. Just saying this to prevent confusion amongst the readers. Also, I want to give a little warning that this chapter briefly describes content that may be triggering or disturbing to some, so discretion is advised!

Hope you're enjoying! Read on...


These dreams were vivid. I still remember them. I remember that night, actually, I went to bed and fell asleep. Obviously I was tired from a hard day's work, but...I found myself in the clothing. You know, like a colonist.

I remember seeing, in the dream, it was early evening, and the air smelled of...bad BO and burning wood. I heard babies crying, and I remember passing a few mothers with their babies. All were wearing coifs and period costumes. I got closer to where I saw a fire burning in the center of this group of tents I found myself among. There was a line of people leading to the fire, and I had joined the line. The person in front of me smelled like they hadn't showered in heaven knows how long. I also found I was holding a pewter cup. Smelled bad and was dirty. Unwashed dishes were never a thing growing up, let's just say that.

Before I knew it, the man in front of me was being served God knew what in his cup...and I'll never guess. Thomasin, the Butcher. It was so strange. She had a pleasant demeanor. It shocked me. I still remember what was said between the two in the dream.

"Which was?" the interviewer asked.

The man in front of me was a...uh, Mr. Cage. He said: "This thin gruel will not quiet our bellies. We need real food."

Then, I hear Thomasin, rather graciously: "be grateful for what thou art given. We women only receive half a share."

Then...I see a tall man with messy, long black hair and a messy beard. He says to the woman, "Mother, the people are starving. Winter is almost upon us. We must venture inland if we are to survive." I realized it was her son, Ambrose.

Then, he turned to Mr. Cage in front of me, who spoke to him: "We agreed, Sir, that such a perilous course of action requires much prayer and consideration."

"Nothing shall be considered," Thomasin cut in. "We stay where my husband has left us. Until then, I shall hear no more from thee."

The interviewer nodded, listening to Cole's memory of the first dream he had that was out of the ordinary. "Was that all? There were more after this, you said, correct?"


There were more. I think, 4 more, after this.

But I do remember that the next one, after this, was absolutely terrifying.

I was having my head locked in this cage thing. There were these spikes on the outside. If I were to reach into the cage to try and, say, feed myself, my arm would be all cut up. There were men around me, each speaking to me in their, you know, language of the time. I could easily smell myself, I was dirty and unclean. the same time, I was NOT myself. I was in someone else's body. It was so weird.

I heard the first voice: "A leader shall only lead with the consent of the governed. Thou hast lost our allegiance."

"Thou art hereby removed from thy position," another voice said, "and banished from our protection." It was the same man as in the other dream. Mr. Cage.

I found myself screaming: "YOU TRAITOROUS WRETCH! RELEASE ME! I will see to it that thou shalt hang!"

"I shall live," Mr. Cage replied, "as we all shall as we travel inland."

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