Chapter 3

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10-16-16 "Wake up! Wake up! wake Up!" My mom, uncle, and dad were screaming in my ear!
"WHAT?" I yelled back.
"Fire! We need to crawl out the window!" I looked at them like they were crazy. Then I finally realized oh smoke, fire, window. I jumped out of bed and ran Over to my window. I unlocked it and slid it open. Then I punched the screen and it flew out the window! "Come on! Come on! Get out!" I screamed.
My mom yelled back "hell no your going out first if anyone's getting hurt by the fire it's me!" I jumped out the window the drop was about two feet. I helped my dad,uncle,and mom out then we ran. We ran until we were safely far enough from the fire. I could see the flames. The fire were roaring out of the windows. I could feel the heat from where I was at, and I was about 50 yards away from the cabin. I was scared. I could feel my eyes starting to water but I held the tears back. Then my head started to pound thoughts what if everything gets ruined? What if I don't have a home? I couldn't keep the thoughts back. And I couldn't keep the tears back. Then my mom ripped her phone out of her pocket and called 911. Ring ring ring ring click "911 what's your emergency?"
"Our cabin is on 'fire'!" My mom yelled into the phone.
"Okay ma'am where is your location?" The lady said calmly.
"We are 12069 w. Pioneer way Lewiston, Idaho!"
"Okay I'll send my crew that way."
Click my mom hung up.
About 20 minutes later I could finally hear the sirens and honk of the fire trucks. They pulled up so fast that they had to slam on the brakes and skid across the gravel for about 5 feet and then stopped. My dad started running toward the fire truck screaming "hey! Over here this is my cabin!" One of the men hopped of the back of the truck and replied "were going to get this fire out and save as much of it as we can. How was the fire started sir?"
"I believe a hunter drove by and through his cigarette out the window and hit the cabin wood."
"Okay sir. I'm going to go and try and save your cabin now."
"Thank you!" My dad yelled after him.

"I'm sorry we could only save half of the cabin. But the fire is completely out. And we have already have found a new cabin about one mile away from here that you could stay in until you cabin is fixed. Do you have good insurance?" Asked the fire fighter.
"I guess. I think it would cover this." Replied my dad.
"Okay great. I should get back but we will discuss more later. In about an hour when the cabin stops smothering you should be able to go in and get your belongings and hopefully you will be able to stay in that other cabin."
"Thank you."

I walked in the cabin after my mom and my uncle was right behind me. The right side of the cabin was completely burned. But the left side was barley touched my fire. Thank the lord because my room is on that side. Luckily the stairs weren't burned so I could get up to my room. And that's just what I did. I slowly walked up the stairs so I wouldn't cause any damage.
When I got up there I turned to face my room and walked through the door. I grabbed everything I could. My phone, my teddy bear that I've had since 1 years old, a picture of my grandpa and I on my 15 birthday (now I'm 16), I grabbed my phone charger, and left. I didn't feel close to any of my stuff anymore, I thought to myself what if I just need to start over start fresh. Leave everything behind except the things I just grabbed. I left, I left so quickly that my hair blew. I Took each step very lightly but quickly. I opened the front door and flew through it.
My mom, dad , and uncle walked out of the cabin with bags of things. My mom walked up to me and said "where all your stuff sweetie?"
"Right here." I picked up the 4 things I grabbed from my room and showed them to her. She stared at it and then finally said "umm... is that all cause you can get more than that."
"Ya mom I don't need any of that other junk." I tried to say it in a nice voice.
We all hopped in the truck and followed the fire fighter to our new home for a while.

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