Chapter 4

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-Kaylie's Point of View-

My head was pounding and my whole day ached horribly. There was a soft knock on my door and I turned my head to see a familiar looking young lad with light brown hair. His hair was sticking up abnormally and his bottom lip was covered with piercings. He had a light coat of eye liner lining his deep brown eyes, making his skin seem a bit more pale and his arms had tattoos on them. He had gauges and an eyebrow piercing too.

"Your mum's at the supermarket stocking up for food this month and she told me to stay here with you," Liam said in a soft voice.

"I can't stay here," I said, shaking my head and forcing myself to get up off my bed. I was able to sit up and throw my feet over the bed, but it was the standing part that I had a problem with. When I lifted my bum off the bed, my head began to spin and pound even more.

"No, no, you're ill, Kaylie, you need bed rest," Liam instructed and I shook my head once it stopped spinning (which, in retrospect, wasn't really a good idea) and forced myself to walk forward without screaming in agony from the terrible burning in my limbs.

Before I could respond to him, the door open and slammed from downstairs, "Margaret?! Where the hell are you?!" Andrew.

I groaned with annoyance and pushed past Liam as he tried to block my way out of my door. I walked down the hall and the stairs to get to the living room where Andrew was stood in the middle looking at the mail. I walked over and snatched it from him.

"None of it's yours," I told him and I felt a hand on the back of my shirt.

"Everything in this house is mine, including you, you spoilt little twat," he growled and I pulled away from his grasp and walked towards the kitchen. "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!"

Don't lose your temper, Kaylie. Don't lose it.

I dropped the mail on the kitchen table and opened the fridge just as Liam walked through the other door of the kitchen, "who's that in the living room?" he asked, leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest and I shrugged.

"Mum's boyfriend," I answered.

"Stop talking like that!" Andrew snarled as he walked into the kitchen as well and stopped when he spotted Liam. "Who's this? Your fuck buddy?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the sink, tapping Liam so he'd move over.

I began to wash the mass of dishes and ignored the ache in my limbs from moving my arms. "What do you want, Andrew? Isn't it bout that time of day you go to the strip club?"

"You didn't answer, Kaylie, who's this guy?"

"Why does it matter to you?! He's just a friend, now get out!" I yelled at him, throwing one of our glass plates at the wall out of anger. It was either that, I sock him in his mouth or possibly throw the plate at his face. "If you don't get out in one minute, the next plate is hitting your face!"

He narrowed his eyes for a few seconds before responding with crossing his arms over his chest. I didn't reach for a plate, but a fork. I've always had great aim and I didn't even really have to try.

I threw it with the little arm strength I had and it stuck right into his left cheek a couple of centimetres below his eye. He screamed and his hands shot up to pull out the fork and I walked over.

"Much more harmful that a plate, don't you think? Next time it's going for your eye, Andrew. I'm not into the mood for you crap," I told him and yanked the fork out and he dropped to his knees, wiping at the blood falling from his wound.

I threw the fork in the sink and stalked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, ignoring my horrible pain that was radiating through out my body.

As I walked up the stairs, my ribs began to ache and so did my upper thighs. Andrew was yelling profanities at me which I ignored and continued up into my room. I searched for a pair of clean socks once I was in there and when I found some, I shoved on my Converse and quickly laced them up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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