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There are people out there who think depression is fake that if you say you have it you just want attention. Or anxiety people will say "Oh your just over reacting." Or "Gees calm down". But depression and anxiety are real and it affects more people then one might think. I know this because I've going through this for years. Even those I am closest with don't know. I once even tried to tell my parents, that didn't go so well, let's just say I don't have very good relationship with them now. I am still in high school which is usually when it all starts. But I started get anxiety in second grade. I had an older brother who was great in everything he did or does, me on the other hand I haven't exactly found what I could do. My parents pressured me to be perfect, to be on top of everything I did. That led to high stress levels which soon led to anxiety. After a couple years things in my life just kind of started going down hill. Friends had come and gone I started find my self falling not wanting to play with friends or do much. And to make things worse my parents would yell at me a point out every little thing I did wrong and compare my failures to my brothers accomplishments. I started to hate life. I had suicidle thoughts. But there was one friend I had who was there for me one friend that helped me hold on a little longer. She didn't even know about my depression or anxiety. But no matter how good of friends we were things change...

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