Chapter one / Barely coping

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Henry's eyes filled with tears as he looked at the swan necklace his father once gave his mother. Killian watched onwards.

"Henry lad, it's okay c'mere."

Killian pulled Henry into his arms and held him tightly.

"I want my mom back." He sobs.

Tears fell down Killian's face as he held the boy tighter.

"Me too."

"I'm sorry Killian. I know she was your happy ending and she's... Well she's the only reason you stayed on your path of redemption. She's the only reason you wanted to live." Henry put the necklace down and pulled away from the man.

"Bloody hell no. Emma's not the only reason, Henry. She made me realise I can be good, she's not the only reason I changed. And she's not the only reason I want to live. You are too."

Henry actually looked shocked.

"You mean, you're not taking me in just because you feel like you have to for my mom?"

"No. Never ever think that. I see you as my own Henry- I... I have ever since me and your mother got serious."

Henry stared at him.

"Then adopt me." He whispered.

"Um what? Is that like some ritual thing with like voodoo or like some sort of blood brothers deal thing?" Henry actually laughed at Killian's idiotic behaviour.

"You know how Regina is still my mom even though she didn't...
make me."

"Make you?"
"Umm... Old people- sire! Even though she didn't sire me!"
"Oh yes?"
"It was because she filled out papers that... Made her my mom by the law."

Killian finally caught up.

"But what about Emma?" He whispered. "What if she didn't want me to be your dad by law?"

"She did. She even has... Had the papers ready."

Killian's eyes found Henry's.

"Really? She wanted Captain Hook to adopt her son?"

Henry rolled his eyes.

"Killian, you weren't Captain Hook to her."

"I know lad, I know. Are you sure you want me to?"


Killian smirked.

"Go on. Go get these papers then."

Henry ran off upstairs and Killian turned to the family picture they took a few weeks before Emma's passing. He picked it up and softly kissed the picture where Emma's forehead was.

"I'm taking care of the lad, Swan, just like you wanted. He- wants me to adopt him or something like that. He wants me to be his father. But- when you were with him he was the happiest boy in the world, what if I can't live up to that my darling? What if he realises he doesn't actually want me to be his father? Emma, sweetheart... Send me a sign. Let me know that you're okay with this. I love you and your boy- well probably soon to be our boy. I love you."

He gently placed the photograph back onto the side and wiped away his tears.

"I got the papers!"

"It says that the birth parents must consent... Henry we can't do this without Emma."

"Killian turn over the page."

Killian turns it over and Emma's signature is scribbled in the consent box.

He just stared at it.

"She even went to court to have everything finalised. All we need now is your signature."

Emma really wanted them to be happy. She wanted them to be a family.

Sign here to finalise this adoption.

Killian Jones

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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