A New World! Whats that?

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I finally got to the office's, I greeted John and Michael and walked to my office. SO TIRED!! I logged on to Minecraft and started a new world. I walked around and saw a pig, I punched it until it died. I ate some of the raw pork then looked around, I saw this sign, I walked towards it and it read:

"Walk Left, When You See A Brick Inside Of A Chest You Need To Walk Strait. Then Right Once You See The Pig Covered In Bread Crumbs. You will see a Blue pig, Once You See It, Dig Down, Strait Down. You Will Be Were You Need To Be Adam."

"Ok what?" I said, I read it again then again. I walked left and saw a chest, I saw a brick inside it. I walked strait, I saw a pig covered in bread crumbs then I turned right. A blue pig tied to a rope looked at me, I came towards it then dug strait down with my hands. I fell into a pit of water. I passed out.

"Is she ok?" "It a he Larpa!" "I-I new that Karp!" "Larpa, you didn't. Face it." "Ugh! FINE! I'm leaving..." "Finally, the first person to be here. And its Adam, its time... Ark! I think he's waking up!" I started to open and flutter my eyes. Im not in Minecraft... HUH!?

"Were am I!?" I yelled trying to get up. "ARK! HE'S FIGHTING OFF!" I punched the guy pushing me down, and I ran out of the room. I was in my normal clothes, I ran and tripped. "Adam! This its part of your mission! Its a dream! You passed out because Mason kept waking you and Alesa! You didn't sleep really at all! Your at your work sleeping!"

I woke up and looked around. My office... Thank the Fish Lord. On my monitor, I was in a block deep little pond. I was in Minecraft again, well, kinda. I looked around and saw gold- I MEAN BUTTER blocks all around. It was beautiful! I looked to my left. Oh no.


Adam And His Butter Quest (By: Spicy)Where stories live. Discover now