Spanish Homework

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"I still don't get it."

Santana let out a soft sigh, doing her best not to get impatient. "That's alright, let's try again," she said softly. She turned back a page in Brittany's book. The two girls were in Santana's room, trying to do their Spanish assignments. Santana was, of course, in a highest level class, as she's been speaking the language since she was little, but Brittany was struggling.

Brittany smiled a little. "Thanks, Sanny, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Britt, you're a unicorn, remember? You can do anything," Santana reminded her. Maybe that wasn't completely true, but Brittany was smart. Not exactly book-smart, but she was pretty clever. "¿Cuál es tu nombre?" she quizzed, hoping Brittany would get the right answer this time.

"Mi Brittany?" The girl wore a confused expression, not entirely sure what she just said.

"Si, moy bien, you got it!" Santana hugged the blonde, smiling. "I told you you'd get it."

Brittany beamed, hugging Santana. "Does this mean I'll pass Spanish?"

"Mr. Schue would be a fool if he failed you, girl," Santana said. She closed the book, pulling back slightly from Brittany. "Now, it's time to get your sweet lady kisses on."

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