The Fight

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Soooooo. Daniel and I were thrown outside in a three story building. Falling to our doom.

As we fell I screamed. But suddenly water was at our feet and we landed softly.

I turned and saw Trey standing with his hand stretched out.

We ran to Trey and as we got him we heard the dark figure yell, "No! I will rule this world. You are in my way. No one will get in Razor's way."

"Let's go!", I yelled. We ran across the street and jumped into some bushes.

"What now?", asked Trey.

"We need to get back to our houses.", said Daniel.

"We need to find someone and tell them what happened.", I said.

"They won't believe us."

"We need to come up with something."

We came up with a plan and walked back to the Hospital.

We walked through the entrance and saw a nurse outside Jordan's room. We walked in and saw she was awake but there was dirt all over the room.

I thought to myself, she must have done that with her powers.

I went to walk up but the dark figure who's name was Razor grabbed me.

I have stop there for a second. I've got to tell you, there is a big thing coming later so be prepared for DEATH!!!

I woke up with chains on my hands. I struggled for a second but stopped when I got tired.

I got up and noticed the chains were on a swivel that allowed me to move around the room I was in.

I found a door and looked for the handle. There was no handle but there was a barred window on the door.

Suddenly I was pushed from the door and it opened. The figure called Razor walked in and said, "Well well well. Look who woke up. Well I guess it is time for the next step."

He grabbed me and pulled me out the door and down a flight of stairs. We went through a door and came out to a courtyard.

Razor threw me and I fell into the circle that was drawn in the middle. I got up and tried to walk around but I couldn't get past the circle.

Then suddenly Daniel was thrown into the circle and he too got up. Suddenly I got very angry at Daniel. I believed it was his fault that we were in this situation.

I knew it wasn't true but I just was angry. I ran at him and punched him in the face.

"What was that for?!"

I punched him again.

"Stop it!"

Daniel threw a punch at me and as he hit me a wave of flames hit me as well.

I was thrown across the circle and landed on my butt.

I got up and stomped the ground.

Ice shot up out of the ground covering Daniel and almost the entire place.

I then punched the ice covered Daniel and before I knew it he was groaning on the ground with blood coming out of his chest.

He then glowed red and when the glowing subsided he now had three red lines going up his arm and part of his hand had colors of fire on them.

A wave of electricity ran through me and I fell to the ground and could not move.

I heard a door open and I was dragged across the ground to what appeared to be a river.

Before I knew it, I was in the water and was drifting down the river to somewhere. I blacked out.

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