Chapter 1 ~ First day

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Lola's Pov

BEEP BEEP BEEP my alarm clock was going off. I groaned as I got up of my bed. I lived with my Best Friend Ian . My mom left to go to Italy with her boyfriend..... she's never coming back , and my dad he died when I was 8 in a car crash. That's when my mom started acting differently. she was always drunk. Back to my day.

" IAN WAKE UP " I screamed shaking him back and fourth

" Ok ok I'm getting up " Ian said groaning

I ran back to my room and took a shower. I changed into my clothes for the day. I put on shorts, my pink converse and a Pickachu shirt . I combed my hair and ran to the kitchen. Ian was already ready and was cooking breakfast.

I sat down waiting for my food to be served my Ian.

" The Pancakes are ready " Ian said putting 2 pancakes on my and his plates

" Are you worried about Anthony ? " Ian said to me shoving the pancake in his mouth

" Ya but please don't tell anyone else "

" Why shouldn't that dirtbag get in trouble "

" He probably already has problems of his own "

****** Later ******

Me and Ian had Homeroom, Math, Science , English, Drama and Lunch together. There was 30 minuets till school started so me and him decided to go get slurpees at 7-11.

" We should go " Ian said when we entered

" Why "I said giving him a confused look

" Because of .... " Ian said pointing to a figure that was sort of familiar

The figure turned around to reveal Anthony! he looked different since the end of 11th grade. He was hot. but I would never date him !

" Hey Lola " Anthony said bitting his lip

" Uhhhhh Hi A-an--Anthony " I stuttered scared shitless

" You look hot " Anthony said grabbing my waist

" Look Anthony I'm never going to get in your pants ok just leave me a lone "

" Woah calm down , see you at school , ill let you have it easy today since its the first day of 12th grade "

Anthony and his group who just followed him around left .

" Is there anything I can do to help you Lola ?" Ian said

" No ill handle it myself , maybe this year ill figure out why he's been bullying me and make it stop.

*** School ***

I was so happy to see Nick ( my boyfriend ). he was gone the whole summer at some summer camp his dad made him go to.

" NICK " I said hugging him tightly

" I missed you so much Babe " he said

Suddenly Trinity the schools slut walked by winking at Nick , he smiled .

" What the fuck was that" I said crossing my arms

" Oh um during the summer I sort of hooked up with trinity but it was a one time thing and I realize you and me are better together "

" So you cheated on me " I said starting to have tears in my eyes

" Well uh I guess but it'll never happen again I promise "

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