Chapter 2 ~ Skipping Disaster

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Lola's Pov

It's finally Friday I said as I turned off my alarm clock. I didn't feel so good. I went over to Ian's room and slapped his face.

" Ouch What was that for ! " Ian said Putting his hand on his cheek where I slapped him.

" Can we just skip school today " I said

" What, Why ?!? " Ian said

" I don't feel good and since we have Monday off too we could have a 4 day weekend " i said

" Fine " Ian said

" Yay ! , So what should we do first? " I said

" how about go back to sleep " Ian said flopping on his pillow

" Can I sleep in your bed ? " I asked

" Sure , I don't care "

I rolled up in his bed. he kissed my check and put his arms around me . I always felt safe around Ian. He's like a brother to me. He use to try to cheer me up when I was little when my mom use to be drunk and hit me. Sometimes I still get nightmares about when my mom use to hit me.

______ 11 A.M _______

Me and Ian finally woke up. We got ready and decided to get Ice Cream. Ian drove me to Ben And Jerry's sort of far from our house. it was the only good ice cream place in Sacramento.

" May I take your order " a man who looked about our age said looking at Ian

" I would like 2 scopes of Rainbow Sherbert please "

" Ok, and what about you pretty Lady " he said in a British accent

" I'm still a girl not a lady and ill have the same thing he's having "

We got our ice cream and sat down. I looked at the napkin and it had a phone number. his name is Dan. it said he's 16.
I glanced over at him and he winked at me.

" Someone's got a whittle cwush on Lola " Ian said In a babyish voice

" Shut up Ian" I said punching him the arm

After we ate our ice cream we drove to the mall.

" Oh god we should leave " Ian said tugging my arm

" Why should we - oh that's why " I said looking at Anthony and his gang

" Sup babe " Anthony said to me

" I'm not your babe first of all and second of all leave me alone for once "

Then all of a sudden a boy in his group name Greg slapped my face and , Zack punched my stomach. Anthony walked over to me and said

" Your Worthless " they all walked away .

I don't know why but I started crying . not because of the hitting but because of what Anthony called me. Ian hugged me so I could cry on his shoulders.

" Ill buy you one thing , anything you want " Ian said

" Thanks Ian " I said hugging him tighter

___ 2 pm ___

We arrived back home.

" I'm so bored " I said laying on the couch

" Me too " Ian said


" I got a text, from Joey "

From : Joey

Lola, I got a bloody nose from Anthony and his crew a few minuets ago , Anthony told me to stay away from you and not talk to you again or he'll hurt me


" What's wrong ? " Ian said concerned

I showed him the text .

" Where's your keys ?" I asked getting up from the couch

" No don't " Ian said

" If I'm not back in 15 minuets call me , if I don't pick up go to Anthony's usual hang out or call the police " I said walking out the door into the car

I drove searching for Anthony . Found him ! he was at the school's football field on his phone alone .

" What The Hell is your problem ?!?! " I asked grabbing his phone out of his hand

" What are you talking about "

" You know damn well what I'm talking about ! how could you hurt Joey what did he do to you ?! "

" Ohh The Joey thing , he's a bitch"

I walked away from him to go back home. I was in the car half way home till I remembered I had his phone. ill just keep it until I see him again.

___ Home =D ____

I finally arrived home. Ian hugged me.

" I thought he was going to hurt you , I'm glad your ok " he said finally letting go of the hug

" I have Anthony's phone "

We both sat down on the couch and turned on his phone. we were curious about what the douche bag talk about with his friends.
We went on his messages and saw the last text his dad wrote to him . it said :

Get your Lazy ass home before I slap you again

" Oh my god "

" I'm going to give him his phone back "

I went in the car to Anthony's house , his address was on his phone .

I finally arrived . I was sort of scared . I knocked on the door .

Get the door now ! I heard a voice say it was probably his dad

The door opened and Anthony had tears in his eyes.

" Anthony I'm so sorry " I said hugging him

" Here's your phone " I said handing him his phone

" Thanks Lola I have to go back before my dad gets madder , I'm having a party tomorrow everyone in school is invited so you can come "

" Thanks ill be there " I said as I walked to my car.

I guess Anthony has problems with his parent like I use to have. I feel bad but I don't know what to do, I mean he's my bully , I'm not suppose to help him .

As I got in the car I saw a note. It was Dan's number , i felt bad I hadn't texted him yet so I sent him a text. I got a reply from him immediately.

From: Dan

Hey :) you should come to my Step Brothers party tomorrow ill send you the detail

That's weird because Anthony is having a party tomorrow. Dan can't be Anthony's step brother that just doesn't seem legit !

*** Home :) ***

" Hey Ian want to go to a party tomorrow ? "

" Ya sure where is it "

I showed him the text that Dan sent me.

" Isn't that Anthony's address ? " Ian said confused

" I don't know , but Dan invited me so we should go "

" Ok ok what time tomorrow ? "

" At 5 "

" oKay "



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