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     I took a breath as I jumped out of my mod pod bed. I rushed to my closet to put on my clothes. Right then after I rushed on my flannel jacket and raced down the staircase and to the table. I had a bowl of frosted flakes out in front of me. I heard a loud noise on the door. It sounded like:Thump thump thump. I opened the door and found my friend Henley at the door. She didn't say a word and gave me a sealed white envelope. This is what it said:

Dear young child,
                  You have been enrolled to an academy for gifted children. You shall sleep in the school. Please pack all the belongings you wish to take with you. Say your goodbyes because you will not see them for quite a few years. Remember, this academy you're attending is for special children. Please behave yourself. You can get suspended or expelled for it. You will be using a wand. This school is for magic. It is secret and forbidden for those who don't possess   magic. You possess the power of jinx. You can use your power to give others luck and give others bad luck. You can also determine fate.
                                                                        Warm regards,
                                                                             Wizards And Waverleys academy

     I almost screamed. I possessed MAGIC!?!?!?!? I couldn't believe it. But Why did Henley give it to me?

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