Fun with the Marauders

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James, Sirius, Remus and Peter were all sitting in the middle their dormitory playing exploding snap when the idea came to James.
"Hey Guys," he said suddenly.
"What?" Remus asked.
"Well, this might sound a bit strange but how about we make a map of Hogwarts and all of the secret passages in and out so we have a copy of it and can use that instead of trying to memorise it all."
"Yeah that sounds like a cool idea!" Sirius replied.


Remus, Sirius, James and Peter were sitting at a table in the corner of the Gryffindor Common Room working on the Marauders Map. They had been sitting there for most of the night doing some touch ups to the almost completed map and the common room was pretty much empty.
"Hey Guys, why don't we have some secret phrase or something like that to reveal the map?" James said.
"Yeah, ok" Peter said.
"Oooo and we can use our nicknames Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs so no one knows it's us!"
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Sirius answered.
"Oh and we could make it so it will insult anyone we don't want looking at it"
"Right...." Remus muttered reading a book.
James was getting really frustrated with them all now. Remus was reading, Sirius was repeatedly setting fire to a piece of parchment, Peter was watching him and no one was paying any attention to his amazing ideas.
"GUYS, I'M BEING SERIOUS!" He yelled. The others went silent and looked at him calculativly and straight faced. For a second James thought it had worked and they were actually thinking about what he had said until......
"That is the worst impression of me I've ever seen." Sirius said with a deadset expression.

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