Chapter Nine: Breaking

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A week into the torturing, I wandered why I was even still alive. I had become Mr. March's personal play thing. Any time he was angry, upset, or bored, he'd do something to me that satisfied him. 

One particular morning, I awoke after a long night of torturing to a voice that sounded so sweet and familiar to me. Still tied to the same chair, I slowly opened my eyes and tried to focus them in the direction the voice was coming. Once they focused, I could see Mr. March talking to someone at the door. I couldn't see them since they were just outside of the doorway, but I recognized the voice.

"Tristan!" I called, my voice cracking and sounding weaker than it ever had. "Tristan, Please! Help me!"
"Just ignore her." Mr. March shrugged as he began to step outside into the hall and shut the door behind him.
"No!!!" I yelled as the door closed. 
"Why are you still keeping her?" I could still hear Tristan's voice from outside of the thin walls. "You told me last night that you'd finish it." 
"Don't you worry. I will." Mr. March replied. "I just wanted her to feel the pain that she put you through."
"Whatever, I don't care anymore." Tristan said nonchalantly.

My heart began to break as I stopped listening in to their conversation. Tristan was done with me. He didn't care for me anymore and he didn't want to. I was a lost cause. 

Mr. March walked back into the room and I started to shake. I was no longer brave or strong. Fear had completely taken over me. I wasn't at all afraid to die. Death seemed pleasant. I was only afraid of what other torturous things he had planned for me.

"Doesn't it hurt, watching the person you love the most not care about your well being?" he grinned.
"Just kill me..." I said with defeat. "It's what you want... so just do it."
"But I'm having so much fun with you, dear!" he replied in a giddy tone. "What Tristan seen in you is real! You are a special one. Which is exactly why it is so much fun watching you break and suffer."
"I don't understand.." I said as he grabbed a knife off of the knife stand.
"You have a certain light about you." he brought the knife up to my face. "No matter what horrors you've seen or how badly people have treated you, you still see hope. And even though you have murdered someone, you still maintain an innocence that is so rare. It's fascinating."

Without warning, he slowly slid the knife across my cheek bone and cut a rather large gash in my face. I cried out in pain and tried to fight the tears. He watched me with a sinister smile on his face. He enjoyed watching me squirm and scream. 

"Tristan!" I yelled one last time, in hopes that he would come running.
"Scream all you want, love. He's not coming to save you." Mr. March smirked. "He doesn't love you."
"Shut up!" I screamed as rage rushed to the surface. "He does love me! You've just tricked him! If he knew you were torturing me like this, he'd help me!"
"Darling, he has heard you scream his name every single day and night this week." he knelt down to my level and began running the knife down my leg. "He even told me to wait until he was gone to be with the Countess this morning to do anything else to you. That's why I let you sleep last night. He got tired of you waking him up with your shrieks."
"No..." I shook my head as tears started to escape my eyes. "You're lying."
"You know I'm not." he put pressure on the knife so that it began etching it's way into my skin. "You know, he doesn't feel anything for you anymore. You're nothing to him. Everything you were, it was all a big mistake in his mind. He asked me to kill you, Alexa."

I didn't even react to him cutting away at my leg as he spoke. I could only feel the aching pain in my chest. To know that Tristan could hear me pleading for him and he couldn't care less. I was nothing to him. That's what truly hurt. That's when I felt everything I had ever held onto break away. I had no more hope. No more reasons to try and fight what was happening. I didn't care anymore.

"So, that's all it took." Mr. March stood up. "All it took was a mention of your sweet love's wish for your death and you broke like porcelain. You poor, fragile creature."
I didn't say anything. I had nothing left to say.

Suddenly there was knock at the door. He walked over and cracked the door open.

"I need to talk to you about the guy in room 51. He's causing me trouble." I heard Sally say from the other side of the door.
"One minute." he said to her and then turned to me. "I will be back, my dear. I have some business to take care of, so I will just leave you with your thoughts and return to you in a bit to continue our talk."

He shut the door and I sat in silence. I had never wanted to die so badly. Mr. March was right. He had broken me. I was now a shell of my former self. I once held onto so much hope that any situation could be turned around. Even after losing my brother, then practically losing my parents, and getting beat most of my life, I believed every situation could be turned around. I believed there was always a reason for fighting.

I was out of reasons now.
I was done fighting.

I just wanted to let go.


Another sort of short chapter, but I was trying to get to the next before it gets too late and I forget my ideas. XD It's already almost 3 AM, but I will try to get the next chapter up by tonight or tomorrow sometime!(: Let me know what you guys think so far!!! <3 Much love!!! - Thrillwriter13

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