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E N T R Y  O N E
WHEN: September 1st, 1991
WHERE: Great Hall
WHAT: Calum, Goddamned Newbie

     Cue anticlimax—

     One. Two.


     THIS JUST IN—it's my first official day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I think dedicating a journal entry to this time frame will be fitting.

     I don't write like the people my age—sorry about that. Naturally, when you're mute 70% of the time, words get bunched up in your throat and you'd choke if you don't let it out one way or another. I write. The lot of those pesky little letters are just something that I hate but love at the same time; like it or not, I have to express them.

     Isn't it bizarre? That twenty-six mere letters, five of them vowels (six if you count y) and the rest air-induced consonants, could relieve me of such burden everyday. That's probably the reason why my face looks so strained all the time; I'm choking on my mind when in reality, my brain and my throat aren't even close. Very confusing. But not when my brain is a high-functioning hurricane and will do more damage to myself than any weapon ever will.

     Three things that happened to Calum Hood today:

     1. I met a boy: Ashton Irwin. The literal personification of the sun; too much light in one person. His eyes were flecked with gold and his hair laced with sunlight. When I was settling down at my spot at the Gryffindor table, he bounded over to the bench and nearly toppled me along with three other fifth-years right onto the lovely marble floor. His knee rammed into my crotch and I think saw stars—or maybe it was just the magic ceiling of the Great Hall. When we got ourselves together, he kindly informed me that this was him, subdued.

     2. I'm not someone that gets so Paralysed I couldn't even walk (definition from The Controversial Calum Hood Dictionary and Thesaurus: Paralysed [capitalised] adj. - to fall in love so hard you lose all sense of equilibrium, of limbs, of heart, of what year it is, and of the location of your mother), but something happened during the Sorting and well, I saw this boy. His name was MichaelorMalcolm Clifford and I think that he's the most lingering person in the world. He looks like someone who'd stay in the room long after he walked out, if you will. His eyes were glinting like he knows something none of us does, his lips were upturned into a smirk that'll wreak havoc, and he carried himself with the grace worthy of a prince, and in that moment I knew what house the Sorting Hat would cast him to the moment it touches his head.


     3. I'm going to make the third one very straightforward. Hogwarts is bloody fantastic.


E N T R Y  T W O
WHEN: December 19th, 1992
WHERE: Grounds
WHAT: Cosmic People

     I've come to a realisation that everyone seems to morph into angels and winged guardians radiating good and light during Christmas. The air solidifies into ice and our breaths become visible to the eye but nonetheless, the atmosphere seems to glimmer like someone's shaking a sieve of glitter over the white scenery. It's quite exquisite.

     And I see the Sun all across the snow, rosy cheeks and pulled back lips with all the colours in the world swirling into him, at full brightness, and I see the Moon next to him, cerulean eyes shining and bits and pieces of the sky encased in his fists, and I see comets, stumbling around and vibrating tinkling laughter to the lucky air around them, always interconnected with one another, and I see Phobos and Deimos, flaming crimson with glints of the galaxies in their eyes, hands wrapped around a bar of a chocolate and smirking at the melting thing like they've done their mischief, and that is not even all, but I see the cosmos before my eyes. I see universes unfold before me during Christmas and I think that's what I love most about it.

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