Chapter 3: Breakfast, A Bad Word?

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* Lukas’ POV *

“Is Lenny really dancing with Ava right now, or am I dreaming that I’m seeing things?” John asked, staring widely in the middle of the dance floor, possibly even mouth dropping seeing as things are going well. That Lenny hasn’t made a fool out of himself…yet.

Not that I knew he was going to, but well, you can say I’m just looking out for him as a friend.

And judging by my surroundings, I’m not the only one watching the “It couple” dancing the night away. Though honestly, these people had different reasons.

For one, Ava hasn’t rejected him so far, and it’s been an hour since the girl asked him if he wanted to hang out, which ticks some of the guys that are out here today. Apparently, not all of them even had the chance to spend an hour with her as she pushed them away, fifteen minutes after getting to know each other.

Fifteen minutes?!?

Well, whatever Len’s been feeding her right now is magically working in his favor. Ava is enjoying the sick moves he’s teaching her, making her laugh at the random ones as opposed to being embarrassed at how he was dancing.

 “First time.” Jade confirmed to the guys at our table as I pulled her out to meet the rest of Justice Crew. “Oh, by the way, I’m Jade. The best friend of the girl who apparently doesn’t date, but I think Lenny’s changing her, and also, the cousin of…” She explained, pointing her finger at me.

The boys greeted her back and kind of interviewed her while we continued to watch the two dancing. A spotlight was even hovering over them, perhaps a way to make the other guys who have previously tried, be jealous of how Len was freely hanging out with her and how Ava’s not pushing him away.

What we’re witnessing doesn’t even resemble a normal night out in a club, but more of the debutante ball as to how they were occupying the dance floor without any complaints from the other guests. They were living in their own world, judging by the smiles both were showing off to one another. The missing puzzle in each other’s lives.

Len should be considered as a superhero. Perhaps people had already idolized him for being the first guy Ava hasn’t rejected yet. That magic mike butt must be working wonders for him. Oh lord, the images. I thought, shaking my head.

“My brother has grown up.” John proudly said as he leaned his back on the chair while taking a swig of his beer. “So proud of him.”

The rest of the JC boys chuckled at that thought. For the first time, Len didn’t drive Ava away with his usual gummies or other random pick up lines he had mastered off from the Internet. Thinking about it, maybe he’d be out of her world without even reaching that fifteen minute mark.

Though, I was still intrigued at how Ava would react towards Len if he did all those pranks he has been showing to the other girls. She’ll probably run off and blame someone for his existence.

Nah Len, just kidding (:

 “Aren’t you guys twins?” Jade had cut John off.

I laughed at John. “You make it sound like you’re watching Colin and not Len.” As the other guys had joined me as well, except for Jade who didn’t have an idea of what we were talking about, until I filled her in, telling her that Colin was their younger brother and John was being a protective older brother, looking out for his siblings. Jade nodded and went back on watching the two.

Until, they had managed to stop their dance and head out our way, possibly Len showing off that he did it!

And I was right. When they reached our table, Len smiled widely for everyone to see. Offering a chair, he let Ava rest and catch on her breath, ordering some drinks for her and Jade. Of course, Len thought that he had to also think of Ava’s best friend’s welfare, not just the girl he was pursuing.

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