Chapter Four: Namjoon

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     "I don't think this plan is working," he mumbled to himself in photography class. Namjoon sighed to himself, and rubbed the nape of his neck. He clicked his tongue, then Yoongi tapped his shoulder. He turned around to face him.

     "Plan?" he asked the younger, yet taller male. Namjoon turned his body to completely face him, and nodded. The look on Namjoon showed that he was clearly struggling with getting SeokJin's attention. He got so fed up with trying to get his attention, that he decided that he was never going to never notice him. So he just stopped bugging him all together. It was difficult not looking at the ray of Sunshine that's forced to sit next to him pretty much every hour of every day.

     "Yeah, I was trying to bug Jin so he would talk to me... Maybe it wasn't a very good idea in retrospect." Namjoon chuckled awkwardly as he thought about all that he did to Jin. "I figured that he was never going to give in, so I gave up and stopped bugging him so much..." Yoongi laughed at the kid's persistence.

     "You've been at this for how many months? Three?" Yoongi covered his mouth before bursting out laughing. "I'm almost positive you're just making him hate you more, my friend." Namjoon facepalmed so hard he was positive Jin could hear it on the other side of the school. He groaned and laid his head in his arms.

     "I'm such an idiot.." he mumbled into his arms. Yoongi pat his head, then he saw a new student walk into the room in the corner of his eye. Namjoon looked up at Yoongi, then followed the direction his eyes were going and found a boy with orange hair, bright eyes and smile, and it seemed as if the sun was radiating off him. He looked back at Yoongi with a confused expression, "Uh, Yoongi? Hello..." he waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Anyone home?" Yoongi suddenly grabbed his wrist, getting pulled out of his daze.

     "Stop that." he let go of his wrist, his voice stern. The orange haired boy walked to the front of the class and bowed politely. He smiled a heart shaped smile, which only added to his innocent appearance.

     "Hello, my name is Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet all of you." he looks at teacher and whispers something. The teacher pointed at the seat right next to Yoongi. He nodded and walked over to his desk. Yoongi avoided his gaze as much as he could. Both him and Namjoon could feel the warmth coming from this person, the both looked at each other. Namjoon smirked at Yoongi then turned around. The three of them worked on their homework, avoiding conversation from each of them.

     The bell eventually rang, meaning gym for Namjoon. He groaned and left the room with a solemn look. He slowly walked to the locker room to get changed. When he walked in the first thing he saw were shoulders. Not just any shoulders either, Kim fucking SeokJin's wide ass shoulders. He quickly tried to stay out of his view, and went to his locker on the other side of the locker room in the far back corner. His face red, from seeing a half naked SeokJin. He smacked himself.

      "Stop thinking like that you idiot. You're straight. Remember that." Namjoon sighed, not able to get that sight out of his head. Not knowing that he's doing it, he smiled while he changed into gym clothes. He pouted as he put his shoes on, "I just don't like that he's so mad at me. It's bugging me so much, and I don't know why..." Namjoon left the locker room, getting a glance from a certain pink haired boy. He walked to the gym, with the pout on his face.

     "Today we will be playing volleyball." The teacher yelled so everyone could hear him. "I will be choosing teams, and I don't want to hear anyone complain or groan about their teammates." He organized his team like this; Namjoon, Jae, Jackson, Woozi, and Jin. Jin and Namjoon shared a very short glance, although it was only for a short time Namjoon could see the amount of disdain he had. He obviously did not want to be on his team, which was understandable with all that Namjoon did to him. Whoops.

     They avoid each other while Jackson tries to take control of the group, and no one else wants him to be the leader. Namjoon stepped in.

     "Volleyball is a team sport, there is no leader." he said bluntly. Jin laughed softly at the rest of the groups faces, but continued to ignore Namjoon. They were given the ball, because they were serving first. Jin tossed the ball up into the air, and jumped to serve it. Namjoon watched in awe then returned to the court as the ball came his way. He quickly hit it up, setting it to Woozi to spike it. For such a small guy, he can really jump.

     "One/zero," Namjoon yelled out for the two teams. He went to give Jin a high-five, but got completely ignored. Yet again. The game went on, each team scoring points one after another. Namjoon's team won round one first. He could see Jin getting more and more into the game in his peripheral vision. His expression went from disgust in the beginning to utter excitement. Namjoon chuckled, then hit the ball to the other side. He scored another point.

     Jin ran up to Namjoon, with the brightest smile and his hands up. "Nice hit, Namjoon!" Obviously Namjoon was taken back by this. He hesitated, then high-fived him.

     "U-Uh, thanks..." they two of them got distracted, not paying attention to anything but each other's eyes. Jin's bright eyes fascinated him so much, he stepped closer. Jin saw something flying in their direction in the corner on his eye. He hurriedly pushed Namjoon out of the way, leaving him to get smacked dead in the face so hard that he collapses. Namjoon hurried over, "Jin? SeokJin?" he shook him gently, trying to wake him up. He didn't wake up.

     "Mr. Kim, take him to the nurse's office. Immediately." he turned to the person that threw the ball. "As for you, come with me." Namjoon grunted quietly as he lifted the sleeping boy bridal style. It was the best way to carry him, to support his neck and head. He nodded at the team, then at the coach and went to the elevator to go to the nurse's office which is annoyingly on the third floor. He stepped into the elevator, a sleeping boy in his arms. Obviously he got a bunch of weird looks from the other people in the small room. At the third floor he got off and turned to the office.

     "Hello? My... Friend. Here got hit in the head with a volleyball pretty hard," The nurse rushed over to check his temperature and heart rate. She nodded and motioned to the bed in the corner of the room. Namjoon gently put him down on the bed. He pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "Please wake up soon.. I can't get you to notice me if you're asleep." he whispered in his ear, then backed away while he chuckled.

     Namjoon waited for him to wake up in the room, he watched him to show any signs of wanting a blanket or anything like that. He never did, but if he did. He slowly fell asleep in the chair, getting tired from watching him sleep.

     Jin shuffled awake, then looked over to see Namjoon asleep. He tilted his head in confusion, as Namjoon's eyes slowly opened. Jin turned away, trying to show that he's still angry at him.

     "Where are we?" Jin mumbled to Namjoon, half hoping he wouldn't hear him. Namjoon smiled, glad he wasn't ignoring him completely. Namjoon sat next to him on the bed, he leaned back so he sat upright against the wall. "Yah, I didn't tell you to sit with me." Jin turned to him, angrily. Namjoon froze, looking at him. He suddenly got this weird feeling in his chest. He suddenly wanted to kiss the boy with pink hair. His gaze fell to Jin's soft and plump looking lips. Namjoon watched him, then shook his head and looked away.

     "We're in the nurse's office. You took a volleyball to the face, so I brought you up here." he said, trying to have that cool attitude. He stood up, getting ready to leave. "Well, you're awake now, so I'm going to go." Jin's eyes widened. Right before he exited the room, Jin's hand went up.

     "Wait!" Namjoon stopped in his spot, definitely not expecting that. He hesitantly turned to Jin. His head was turned, and Namjoon could see a tint of pink lightly brushed on his cheeks. "Don't go.. Please?" he mumbled quietly, but loud enough so Namjoon could hear him. Namjoon turned completely around, a smile resting on his face. He walked back to the chair and sat down.

     "Okay, I won't go." Jin put his hand down into his lap. "I'll stay right here."

The Rose Among the Thorns ~ A NamJin fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz