Words of a Broken Angel

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You left everything meant beautiful in life

I became the new leader

Now they look up to me

You were my idol!

Now you ruined my life.

As if I was just a plastic toy

Im ruining their early days

The days they start as their own

They follow my every move

All the way to the point until I harm

I don’t think I could be a idol!

Cant let them do what I do

Don’t want them to be in pain!

Trying to cure myself, but only to be poisoned again!

My heart hurts! In so much pain

Don’t think that tears will stop.

I want to purify their lives

Not poison it

Enjoy life!

Don’t destroy it

       Please listen to these words of a broken angel

I want to make you smile again (smile again)

But the ideas are negative!

Love is all they need to grow

So please love yourself and I can add more

Leave that razor there, ignore the pin on the floor

Im ruining their early days

The days they start as their own

They follow my every move

All the way to the point until I harm

I don’t think I could be a idol!

Cant let them do what I do

Don’t want them to be in pain!

Trying to cure myself, but only to be poisoned again!

My heart hurts! In so much pain

Don’t think that tears will stop.

I want to purify their lives

Not poison it

Enjoy life!

Don’t destroy it

           Please listen to these words of a broken angel

The angels are speaking to you…

Please hear their words of pure

We are letting you go

Go get help, we are here to love you

Cry to me, don’t hide it anymore

Talk to me, don’t ignore the sadness.

I want to be the good model for them

Look at my good side, not my bad one

Laugh at the great moments

Cry to me if you have to

Help me cure myself, don’t follow me anymore


My emotions are confusing, so fucking dizzy!

Please let them stop

Help God, ill pray for them

Live life it was the only thing

Listen to my pleads

I don’t think I could be a idol!

Cant let them do what I do

Don’t want them to be in pain!

Trying to cure myself, but only to be poisoned again!

My heart hurts! In so much pain

Don’t think that tears will stop.

I want to purify their lives

Not poison it

Enjoy life!

Don’t destroy it

Please listen to these words of a broken angel

   don't forget my words

I don’t think I could be a idol!

Cant let them do what I do

Don’t want them to be in pain!

Trying to cure myself, but only to be poisoned again!

My heart hurts! In so much pain

Don’t think that tears will stop.

I want to purify their lives

Not poison it

Enjoy life!

Don’t destroy it

Please listen to these words of a broken angel

                   Don't forget my words

                    Don't forget my words

don't become your own fear,

don't become your own monster!

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