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I'm a bit stressed right now
My mom keeps pressuring me to go up to big companies with my art and say hey can I put this in your whatever card section and I really don't want to do that! It  doesn't sound nice and it just isn't what I want to do. When I make art I like to connect with others and her pressure for me to do what I love is making me despise everything I make!
Sorry I'm just v stressed and sick

But tbh if I went up to target and was like hey can I make a card and put it up here they'd very likely say no so
Instead I'd like to maybe do commissions and stuff sometime in the future
Ma stahp. I'm 13 no need to kick up my anxiety yet!

So anyways, like I said earlier I'm just going to do come character development today
Which is going alright
Thanks <3

See plant above
Plants are gr8

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