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"let's break up"

Jessica stared at her and laughed. She thought she was only joking and has some surprise for her. She knows it's really common for someone to say "let's break up" and then it turns out that they're asking for marriage

"hahaha!! you're really great in surprises, Soo! hahaha!! Where's the ring now?" Jessica asks. Her eyes went wide when she saw Sooyoung slipping off their couple ring from her ring finger and gently laid it on her palm

Jessica stared at the ring that was on her palm and back to Sooyoung, her eyes filled with tears, "you're serious?" her voice starts to crack

Sooyoung didn't say anything but her tears that were on her eyes indicated that she was serious. Jessica began to tear up really hard and smacked Sooyoung on her chest so hard

"How could you!?!!?? Why, Soo!?!?! Why are you asking this!?!? please tell me you're really joking, Choi!! please!! I'M ғυϲƙING BEGGING YOU!!!!!" Jessica smacked Sooyoung so hard that the girl fell on the floor

"I'm...I'm sorry. I'm doing it for you. You need a real family. You deserve one. Marry Donghae. Please" Sooyoung said quietly as she stood up and tears were rolling down her cheeks

Jessica then slapped Sooyoung's cheeks hard that it left a deep red mark on it

"I don't give damn about it!! I don't care if i won't have a real family!! a proper one!! i don't care about it!! I need you, Soo!! please!! DON'T YOU ғυϲƙING LEAVE ME, CHOI!! I LOVE YOU!! please..." Jessica went down on her knees. She placed her head on her palms and cried hard. She was expecting for Sooyoung to kneel down and hug her saying that she'll take all back what she said but Sooyoung didn't. The last thing she heard was this two words, "I'm Sorry'

She looked up and saw that Sooyoung was already gone. She saw their ring lying on the ground and picked it up. She stood up and headed to her car. She hurriedly drived towards the mansion


"hey, Soo - OMO!! what;s wrong, Soo!? why are you crying?" Taeyeon asks as she saw the younger girl enter the front door. Sooyoung only ignored Taeyeon and went upstairs to her and Jessica's room. Curious, Taeyeon stood up and told Yuri to come with her and they both followed the tall girl

"Soo, what's....... THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?!?" Taeyeon's eyes grew wide as she saw all Sooyoung's clothes on the bed and two luggages

"I'm going to Japan. Take care of Jessica here" Sooyoung said quietly and resumed to packing her clothes

"Soo, what happened? tell us!" Yuri insisted.

Sooyoung stopped packing and turned to look at her bestfriends. She breathe deeply and said, "I...... asks for a break up" The two girls' eyes went wide as they heard what Sooyoung said. They could not believe what they had just heard. They were speechless and could not utter a word except for one which they said in unison, :"WHAAAATT!?!?!?!!?"


"WHAAATT!?!?!" Eunhyuk exclaimed as he heard what Jessica said

"Why did she do that!?" Sunny exclaimed furiously. Jessica cried so hard on Tiffany's shoulder and the girl patted her back.

"Aish! i can't believe Sooyoung did that!? is she being a pabo again!? aish!" Eunhyuk ruffled his hair in frustration. He sat on the couch and bowed his head. Hyoyeon went over him and comforted him

5 minutes later, they heard footsteps going down the stairs. They all looked up and saw Sooyoung, dragging two luggages with her and Taeyeon and Yuri closely followed behind

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