Cops and Robbers

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AN- A nice and simple somewhat Halloween one-shot about cop Arthur and robber Alfred. So smut warning and stuff...
Have fun ~♡


"He's really good at this sir..."

"He's too good at this!"

It was true. The American robber known as Alfred F. Jones was one hell of a escape artist. Every trap that Arthur and the British police set that bastard always found a way to get out of it.

How? How was this criminal so good at what he did?!

That was a question that he and his men wondered for about four months now.

For four fucking mouth now Arthur had chased that man all around England. And yet nothing! Not a single thing worked so far, and to be honest Arthur was starting to run out of ideas. He didn't sign up for this. Sure he wanted to be part of the British police ever since he was a child and make his family proud, but this was ridicules.

Arthur sighed and slammed his head on the table. He winced a little from the pain but he didn't bother to lift his head.

After Arthur made it through high school he joined the police program; even after what his brothers said. But in only a few mouths he was officially a police officer and in only a few years he became the police chef.

But Alfred was someone that got under his skin, even though they never met face to face, he still hated him.

"Sir?" A worm touch on his shoulder and a even wormer voice woke Arthur up for his sleep.

When did he fall asleep?

"Yes what is it?" He asked still having a hard time waking up from his nap.

"Sir I have bad news...we just got news of the robber Alfred F. Jones, it appears that he got another houes...sir..."

"For the love of God! Again?!"

"B-but we got information and we know his next target sir."

"That's wonderful new! Now after all this time we finally have a leg up on that twat."

Finally after so long they'll catch that criminal. Arthur smiled at the thought of that disgusting piece of crap being put in jail. It was like icing on a yummy cake.

So with that information Arthur gathered his men and went straight to business.


When arriving at the location Arthur and his men separated and went into different rooms. With their guns and cuffs all that was left was for Alfred to show up.

Arthur walked back and fourth bite his thumb in one of the upstairs bedrooms. He was nervous sure, but how could he not be? He never seen the American before and quit frankly he was just a little intimidated by the thought.

But he wasn't going to let his fear set in off trace. He will catch Alfred and put him in jail, even if he had to do it with his own two hands.

He looked at the clock at one of the far off walls that read 11:37.

'Where the bloody hell is he?' He questioned as he stopped his pacing.

Was the information they got wrong? It couldn't be. The house was filled with priceless jewels and other costly things so it was a perfect target for the American.

He stopped and sighed quietly. It was almost midnight and nothing, maybe the information was wrong after all.

Arthur was about to give up and tell his men to head home until he sow a light in a house across the street. Normal this wouldn't be a problem but the officers made sure to clear all the house around this area before they started. Just in case they had to bring out their guns and shoot. Better safe then sorry.

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